BASKETBALL INTERPRETATIONS OF MISSOURI VALLEY AND BIG SIX CONFBRENCES 1936 - 37 General Suggestions le Officials should notify athletic authorities upon their arrival in town. , 2. The home authorities should notify the visitors of the exact starting time of the game. 3. The home team is to wear white uniforms. The visitors are to dress in their school colors. ‘4, a copy of the official box score shall be mailed by the home team to the conference secretary immediately after the game. 5. The visiting team is to send to the home team at least four days in advance of the game the nanos and numbers of all players who will make the trip together with a probable starting line-up. 6. The home team may use as many vlayers as it desires. The visitors are limited to ten players. (Big Six regulation only.) 7. Hach school is to exchange with all others information about its squad. This information should include number, name, vosition, height, weight, home town, year on the varsity, men lost by graduation, veteran lettermen re- turning, and any team records which may serve publicity purposes. 8. Home teams shall designate the make and type of ball to be used. For cach game the home tcam is to prepare two new balls. These may be used by both teams in vre-game practice, and the refcree is to select from these the one to be used in the game. Rulcs Interpretations Rule 5, Section 2. Tho head official in a basketball gamc detormincs the justification of a dclay. The head official is the one who is named first in the assignment. Tho timc as given out by the home toam shall be the official timo. Officials and visitors should chock their watchos with this timo. Rule 5, Setction 3 Ta) A substituto is not to be recognized by tho scorer until ho has removod his warm-up suit and is ready to onter the game. (>) substitute, after having reported to the refcroc, must par- ticipate in at least ono play rogardloss of his aceeptanco by his captain. Rule 5, Scotion 6 A two inoh numnbor on tho front of tho shirt is pormissible.