page 2. Rule 6 Tho officials shall woar vertical striped black and white shirts, with dark bluc trousers. Rulo 7, Scetion 2, (amplification of last qucstion) An attompt to pass-in from out-of-bounds on the ond lino results in tho ball striking . playor end thon deflecting off tho back of thc board. Whose ball out? Answer: Ball awardod to the opponent of the tcam which last touchod it. Rule 10, Soction 1 Tho word “noar” is defined as within approximately three foot on cithor side of the out-of-bounds spot designated by the official (oxcopt following a succossful frocthrow). The angle of the pass-in is immatcrial. Rule 11, Section 1 After a substitute has reported to tho scorer he must cntor tho game at the first dead ball. Rule 14, Section 13, Noto. Attontion of tho officials is called to tho dotails of this notc. Rule 15, Soction 7 These conforones urge officials to ponalize overy dolibcrate conching attompt from oithor bench, as woll as dcrogatory romarks to officials by anyono officially connectod with cither toam. ee ae ee ene ee te are ee me ee BE eee me eee OR neh cent mets ee i Se Om mete fet eee OD mem OR Gey Sw ON YG Na coy pee ene St et Oe, Big Six administrative suggostions and information 1. Since tho conference secrotary is so busy with numerous other details at cach gathoring, tho sccrotery for the baskotball conches group is diroctod to mako mooting place reservations and complote other details necossary for our own group. 2. Type, make of ball, and starting time of games: Lowa Stato - Rawlings laced - 7:30 Fri. and Sat. 7:15 other times Kansas ----- Allen laced ---- 7:30 Kansas Stato-Rawlings lacod - 7:50 Nobraska ----Wilson laccloss- 8:00 Missouri ----Rawlings lacod - 8*00 Oklahoma ----“cDormott laced- 7:30