Creighton University Tulsa University Drake University Oklahoma Ag@ricultural and Mechanical College Washburn College Grinnell College St. Louis University Washington University ATHLETIC DIRECTORS’ ASSOCIATION of the MISSOURI VALLEY CONFERENCE Address Office of the Washington University EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Saint Louis, Missouri April 14, 1938 Mr, Forrest C. 4llen Basketball Yoach University of Sansas Lawrencé, Kansas Dear Phog:- I have your letter of April 11, which has to do with sending the material from our Conference to you rather than sending it to John Doyle. I have instructed Leighton Housh accordingly. He will send the material and I am taking it upon myself to gather the squad pictures. ie he As Mela ie SS ia ia Acilidaudie It may be possible for you to play us next year, if your trip works out successfully in January. I have not been able to contact Huddy Hellmich about this, but shall write you in the very near future when I send the basketball squad : pictures to you. See you next weekend. With kind personal regards a Li. ¢@ E,. Bilers i E ; - tei ees eR eR ais Bi ans eg Stn ee cl cates sel aaa og ecige aaa pk alata ce ail : gee aan % (uk Se ia dha Aelia ge ees