‘ \ / \ / \ ds Silay ies eres aw. S @. ~=> ~ eos \ es -- \ / me soar : / ‘Ser \ ae s eo > ® Ne L ‘E xe s one x 7 CIRCLE DRILL The circle drill method of practice for passing fundamentals is a very simple one but one commonly used by most coaches. The players form a circle with four to six feet spacing between them. They execute the various passes by pass- ing to the next man in the circle, by alternate men, or indiscriminately about the circle. SQUARE DRILL The square drill is another of the simple formations for pass drill. The men are placed as on the four corners of a square and pass around the square or - across it diagonally. TRIANGLE DRILL The triangular drill involves three men placed at the points to form an isoceles triangle. These men may be easily moved in or out to execute the various types of passes. This drill is advantageous where the squad is small and a number of balls are available as the small grouping affords more individual practice. This drill is especially valuable for practicing high, overhead passes. a4