PERIPHERAL VISION DRILL The purpose of this drill is to offer prac- tice in the use of the “peripheral vision” or ability to observe more than one action at a eo, @, e. e, 2@. time. F, with a ball is stationed in front . bd of the line of five men. Player E also has s pie a ball. As F passes to A, E passes to F. ¥ i, F passes to D and A returns the ball to F. oe ee The drill continues with passes being made \ if between the members of the line and F; players in the line change with F from time F to time. A contest element may be involved by allowing F to maintain his position as long as he makes all his passes to the line- men good and does not fumble any passes received from them. ELIMINATION PASS DRILL Circle, line, star, triangle, or square formation may be used in this drill. Eliminate players from the drill as they make bad -passes or fumble properly made passes received from other players. The weakness of the drill lies in the fact that the decision which elimi- nates the man is in many cases a matter of judgment of the coach. Another weakness of the drill is that the poorer players who need the drill most are the first to be eliminated as a general rule. PASS FOR ACCURACY : If a smooth wall is available, draw circles on the wall, varying in size according to the skill of the contestants. Make restraining lines at varying distances and have the players see who can make the most hits in a set time. - This drill may be more effectively used by constructing wooden targets of varying sizes. In the case of the long baseball pass the players may use the bankboard for the drill at varying distances. @. DOUBLE CIRCLE DRILL Pa oe In this drill two circles are established, e. \ . ® the outer circle usually containing eight ‘e o men and the inner circle four men. ae PSs The drill may be used as a stationary r “@ drill at first, later rotating the circles in x Bes opposite directions. In either case most of \ @ cd the passing alternates between the two Yee TON a circles. @ . | The coach must experiment with the size oo. of his circles to get the best timing for his caliber of men. 13