ROTATING FREE THROW DRILL In this drill the men in positions A and C are defensive men respon- sible for bringing rebounds out from the basket. Players B and D are of- fensive men, responsible for following shots, laying them in the basket or getting them out to E, the free thrower. QD) The players change positions ad- vancing from A to E and then assum- ing positions at the other end of the floor, the E player at one end becom- ing the A player at the other. This drill gives men the opportunity for practice in all phases of free throw defense and offense. If more than two baskets are available, the men may advance from one basket to another. BALL HANDLING DRILLS Many coaches neglect the important fundamental of properly handling the ball. There is something akin to the touch or skill of the juggler in moving the ball about in the hands as is so necessary in maneuvering for passing and for delaying the pass until the proper timing is arrived at by the cutting player. Many coaches find that pass after pass is either entirely or partially blocked by defensive men. This case has been espe- cially true with the advent of the slow-break game where de- fensive men are allowed to gain their positions and blocks or “screens” are used to evade them. Proper ball handling or the ability to move the ball about in the hands either in a position with the back to the guard or facing the guard and moving the ball up or down and laterally are necessary if the passer is to get the ball to the forwards or men cutting to meet passes at the proper time. 29