@ @ O Oe & @ r ©@ O @ e@ @ Oe eo ie <7 SSS RSE Sr eno SQUADS OF THREE Match the men as nearly even in height as possible in groups or squads of three. One man acts as the official and tosses the ball up between the other two several times. One of the other men assumes the duties of the official and the other two men jump. As the drill progresses, have the men designate where they are going to tip the ball. ‘Have the men make constructive criticism of each other, and allow the man acting as official to call infrac- tions on the jumpers. By varying the players as officials the men get practice in jumping for balls thrown at various heights and with varying timing. WALL DRILL FOR HEIGHT Station the men along a smooth wall and have them jump and see how high they can reach on the wall. Stress in this drill the importance of a hard arm swing. JUMP TOUCH Using the pole vault standards conduct a contest by having the men jump and touch the bar. Failure on three attempts at any height dis- qualify the individual, just as in the high jump or pole vault. Then have the individual reach as high as possible up the side of a wall. Subtract this reaching height from his jumping height for the results. This also encourages the use of the finger tips as in tipping the ball. 35