4-— SSS ES a eee et PRACTICE DRILL AGAINST PIVOT MAN DIRECTLY : UNDER BASKET The players A, B and C are offen- @e° sive players who are assisted by the coach. The defensive player No. 1 re- sponsible for the pivot man plays at the side of the pivot man and must alternate his position as the ball changes sides of the floor. The coach is only a ball handler and ® ® is not allowed to move from his center e, position. The object of the drill is for A and B to move the ball from side to side forcing No. 1 to change his posi- tion a great number of times and when o® @ conn the opportunity presents itself to pass wy in to the pivot. Passes may be made cy by the coach into the pivot. The drill is of great value in teaching the guard to be alert in watching the ball while changing his position on the floor. The guards No. 2 and No. 3 obtain valuable practice in placing them- selves in the proper guarding positions to prevent A and B from receiving passes from the coach. COMBINATION DRILLS The drills listed under this heading are general drills for stressing more than one fundamental. Most drills include prac- tice on several fundamentals but place the major emphasis on one specific one. The combination type of drill may be adapted to the teaching of your fast break offense elements or your defensive work. They are valuable in that they will keep your entire squad working all of the time. They add interest and are valuable in introducing game conditions or elements involv- ing a large portion of the floor. INFORMAL WARM-UP SHOOTING DRILL An adaptation that has been used by the writer both as a coach and player is the encouragement of the players to spend considerable time dur- ing the informal drill in the execution of short shots. In this drill the player who shoots seldom rebounds, but another player whose turn to shoot comes either before or after this shooter rebounds the ball and passes it to the shooter who is cutting fast for a short shot. Any number of players with the exception of the next long shooter rebound and continue the short shooting until one or more baskets are made. Many times the players will make several passes before actually taking a shot at the basket. The drill is a very effective one for teaching short shots and it holds considerable interest for the players. 43