Jenuary 4, 19404 i rat if igttels Ha -- ae ae 2353 He | a ill . ue agai Hay tH nia 4; Nya): a iyise a Heh a pill; ; any ieee iss" “ali ri : Oo ind E sii all i aly ay rail bial 9 ie H BT aii a wa ES eld He | Wishing you a very prosperous and happy New Year, I an Very sincerely yours, : | | Director of Physical Biucation and Recreation, FOAAH ; Sane Ser Sonne PeSe The Nestern district play-offs (Diets 5,6,7,8) wat Be held on tase 22 and Be PoC otis Phone 27-1211 OKLAHOMA TH E De ie Oo G4 2 oe, FARM EF Rs > Fl > Zu 2 : January 4, 1940. Dr. F. ¢. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kans. Dear Dr. Allen: I saw in the paper recently that Kansas City has been awarded the whole set-up of games in this area in the national collegiate play-offs. Naturally it was quite disappointing to us to be ignored in view of our effort last year. Partly on the assumption that the games between the Missouri Valley and the Big Six leaders would be returned to Oklahoma City, the City Council purchased a $5,000 elevated floor and has installed it in the downtown auditorium. Our all-college tcurnament was played there last week and attracted 12,000 persons in three days. Everybody was well pleased with the tournament, and elated over the manner in which the new floor worked out. It is not improbable that Oklahoma will have two of the teams in the Big Six and the Missouri Valley play-offs again this year, and we would like to have that part of the collegiate eliminations returned to us. I realize that the arrangement under which last year's games were played was not entirely satisfactory, but we have improved conditions to such a point this year that even you would agree that the auditorium now is an ideal place for games of this importance. It has occurred to me that you folks in the heart of the midlands are shoveling everything Kansas City's way. After all, there are some other good towns in the Missouri Valley and Big Six areas and I, personally, feel that you are giving us a kick in the pants and certainly making a mistake by giving everything to one city. Surely the finals are all that Kansas City is entitled to. These observations are made to you in the belief that you will do the fair thing, at least in our eyes, and attempt to swing the Missouri Valley page 2--BH to Dr. F ¢ Allen Jamary 3, 1940. and Big Six play-offs back to our town. If you have any further doubt about the advantages of the auditorium as now arranged, please communicate with Henry Iba, or any other coach whose team was in our all-colliege tournament the past week. May I hear from you soon? Sincerely yours, BUS HAM SPORTS EDITOR. BH/t August 14, 1959. Varsity Basketball Coaches Phone 2~1211 tee DA a OU FE. 2Ac HO. MA Nn OKLAHOMA Ct sy fo ewe eS Ee aor ME Re aS sO Cok M AUN UBLISHING COMPANY ITY, OKLAHOMA — June 10, 1939 Dr. Forrest ©. Allen, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Deer Dr. Allen: Our research about elevated basketball floors has not been completed. Mr. Donart of the auditorium has some little data on it and it may be possible to install a playing floor of this nature. Mr. Donart, Henry Iba of Oklahoma A & ¥W college and several others of us probably will have a meeting within a week or so to definitely decide what shall be done. At that time I promise to let you know what can be done. About entertaining the district eliminations next year we still are ambitious to have them if advisable, Sports Editor BE:S