He yal ee i ii He 1H inl nis je ue ait l AL Hell nai Ba al | ip 4 it ull i: i Hu ° : vi Wd ini i it te Mre Hemry Pe Iba, 3 youlinn thet tay schettie Gat yon wie lt Se ae ae etiole ot of Stillater blasting team one huxired per conte ees I believe the N.C.A.A. should be commended for their effort to elevate basketball beyond the i have learned in Bus Ham's colum it has alwys been plemmed that if it was an all-Oklahoma event it would be ! played off the week-end of March 15th, and I camot seo that it - No member of the N.CsAsA. Basketball Committee draws one pemy, end I am sure you will agree they draw a lot of grief in : The personnel of this Fifth District NCAA. Basketball Play-off Comittee is as follows: Dre He He King, faculty repres~ entative, Kansas State College, chairman; C. 3. McBride, of the Kensas City Stars Bill Williams, athletic director, Drake Univer+ sity; George Edwards, of the University of Missoyri, and myself. id : Bs Le ve el ele ches i! i ih i abe fayalite a ty ij agg i, a3 Hh A 2" i fay if aii; jul sii Hn i! Lin in 3 rib i A: Hh ui tah ' f if t ‘| £3. aye 3: iil jumhinaee i d Chaiyman, Sth District, NeCobehs CLASS OF SERVICE \ \ ) E S K RMN 1201 [SYMBOLS This is a full-rate 40 Nee . DL=Day Letter Telegram or Cable- és : NL=Night Letter m unless its de- ferred character is in- LC =Deferred Cable dicated by a suitable symbol above or pre- NLT =Cable Night Letter ceding the address. ; R. B. WHITE NEWCOMB CARLTON J. Cc. WILLEVER Ship Radiogram PRESIDENT CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT 5) Sao The filing time shown in the date line on telegrams and day letters is STANDARD TIME at point of origin. Time of receipt is STAN DEED "FAME at point of destination KAD14 10/12 XC=STILLWATER OKLA 23 916A DR F C ALLEN BASKETBALL COACH UNIV OF KANS ‘HAVE DATES FOR NCAAA PLAYOFF ‘BEEN SET PLEASE REPLY WESTERNUNION COLLECT REGARDS= = =H P IBAS: : pe NCAAA IBAsi| THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGESTIONS FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE WESTERN UNION Stillwater, Oklahoma Febe 25, 1940. : Dre Forrest Ce Allen, University of Kansase Have dates for N.C.A-A. play-off been set? Please reply Western Union Collect. Regardse He Pe Ibae Pebruary 22, 1940. lis John We Dummy, Dean of len, Stanford University, Californias tear Johnny: Sikes te ined tn es Wh is eee be ee Netional Association of Basketball Conches, but I want to write you to seo wnt you think of the possibility of getting hay Atherton, the Commissioner of Athletics in the Pacific . Coast Conference, to speak to our groupe I imagine there is no possibility of Mr. Atherton coming cast, but I thought i would wite you and see if you could find cute Of course, wo ere trying to get out of the hole on this basketball deficit we faced last year, and we would have no money to pay his transportation ecross the country, but I am just gambling on a thowand to one shot thet he might be travel~ ing eaet. Or, he might be in the east going west, and if there wes such a possibility we would be more than delighted = yea, overcome with joy if we could get hine As i said, I em just gombling on e thousand to one chance but I would be thankful to you if you would check up and let me lmow his whereabouts and if you thougirtt we would heve a chance of getting kim. Gece, it wuld be a imock-out to get a man like this to address our Basketball Coaches meeting. I thought of getting e rman « not thet the basketvall coaches need it as much @¢ sane other couches I lmow vf, but it would be a swell drawing carde Thaniking you for infonting mo on tie itm, and wishing en es Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, FCAsAll Varsity Basketball Coach. March 2, 1940 He Pe Iba, Stillwater, Oklae Bus Ham stated three weeks ago that he had Oklaham. City auditorium engaged for March 15, 16, hoping tournament play-off would be held theree last night Umofficially we learned/that Missouri would “frown upoh a. Big Six play-off if our race ended in three-way tie. Upon my return from Omaha I will try to arrange for all possible contingenciese We had expected to hold fifth district play-off either March 15 or 16 with Big Six play-off previous to those datese Our hope is to have ow district representative rested sufficiently so that they my have all power possible pefore March 226. Congratulations are reciprocal upon your winning Valleye Regardse Porrest Ce Allene WESTERN UNION Stillwater, Oklahom March 5, 1940. Dre Fe Ce Allen, Lawrence, Kansase The following action was taken by our Athletic Council this morninge "It is moved, in view of the fact that no definite dete has been set for the play-off in the Fifth District of the N.C.AeA. Basketball towmeen’ tl, furthermore, since March 18 is an open date for all possible competing teams, as well as the auditorium in Oklahoma City, that we accept the invitation of the letropolitan tabireeileints Basketball Committee to participate in the national basketball invitation tournament in Madison Square Garden on March 1115 and return to compete in the NeC.A.A. tournament." It must be understood from this action that we are most desirous to continue our support of the NeCeAeAe and to play in the NeCoAche ‘tournament which this plan af dates makes possiblee Athletic Cowmeil, Oklahom Ae & Me College. Mexeh 5, 1940. ire Bus Ham, Daily Oklahoman, | Oklahoma City, Olde. We ave definitely going ahead with our March 15«16 arrangements for district finalss If Oklahom Aggies go to New York as their Athletic Comeil contemplated, will it be possible to play in your auditorium these two dates, provided there is a Big Six threeemy tie? if auditorium not available wo will play elsewhere on those dates. If, however, Oldahom sggies return for the 16th date, Big Six must determine their play-off before that date, the winer to play Oklohem Ae & Me the 16the Forrest C. Allen, Chairman, Sth District, NeCeAche March 5p 1940.6 Athletic Council, Oklahoma Ae & Me College, Stillwater 3 Oklae The tournament date will be either March 15 or 16. __ That has been stated a nuber of times and it is final as far as I am concernede If you desire to have your team play in New York that is perfectly agreeable with mee Forrest Ce Allen Chairman, Sth District. WESTERN UNION Stillwater, Okla. March Ge 19405. \ Dre Forrest Ce Allen, In meeting this morning the cabinet moved that we accept the invitation of the Metropolitan Interecllegiate Basketball Camittee to play in their tournament and return by air from New York to Oklahoma. City to play in the NeCeAehe district tournament on Night of March 16, The Athletic Cabinet, Oklahoma Ae & Me Colleges Western Union March 6, 1940. George Edwards, Unive of Missouri, Columbia, Moe Oklahom Aggies entering New York townament but returning for March 16th play-off Oklahoma Citye Dre King, McBride and I feel that in the event Kansas loses to Oklaham. and precipitates three-way tie that Big Six play-off should be held at Wichita, Kensas, Forum, March 11 and 12, the wimer to play Oklahom Aggies lipo: 16the Our district committee meeting for Big Six drawing Kansas City Saturday mornings Wire your reactione Forrest C, Allen, Chairmn, 5th District, NCAA. /) ea Lawrenee, Kansas : March 5, 1940.5 Athletic Council, Oklahom. Ae & Me College, Stillwater, Okla. Si bake we Marcomiky 040 40 Bie Shot Cees pues will be peed early week of liths => nnek bien bien vain to view tn Cobain City on 16th our Big Six wimmer will meet you then. No games will be played later. If you choose to pass up district play- off then three Big Six teams will play Ollaham City March 15<16 emi the winmer will be declared the Fifth District representatives Forrest 6, fllen, Chairmen, Bth District, NeCelele NOT ing, March 5, 1940. Dre Fe Ce Allene Dates of March 15 and 16 both reserved in auditorium. Also March 11, 12, 15 and 14 for Big Six play- offse Will see you Fridays Regards. Bus Hame Tf Oklahoma As & Me goes to the Garden and they do not return to play the night of the 16th, the three Big Six teams - Missouri, Oklahoma and Kansas, will play at some point to be designated on. the 15th and 16th. The drawings will be made so thet one tean draws a bye for Friday night, and the wimer of Friday night's contest will play the bye team on Saturday night, and the winner of thet game will be the representative of the Fifth District in the N.C.AsA. Basketball Tournament. In the event that Ae & Me retums fran New York, then the play-off should be played the first p part of the week at some designated spote June 5, 1940. tare Horry Pe Tiny of athletics, sence gengye Stillwater, Oklehante Dear Henrys ; * I om went: tentetts sued Wnlies We Mee Medinah twenty per ne eee es enoumt of $185.68. 2 teat Wink or chant wD he Mustinening tes May Ll, 1940. lite Nemry Pe Tin, of. sthietics, CHlaham Ae & Me College, » Okleahome Virestor of Ryeioal Bauontion and Roorenti on, POAsAH Varsity Basketball Coache THE COMPANY WILL APPRECIATE SUGGEST —— FROM ITS PATRONS CONCERNING ITS SERVICE 1220-8 CLASS Rae SERVICE & SIGNS \ This is a full-rate DL = Day Letter NM = Night Message Telegram or Cable- gram unless its de- NL = Night Letter ferred character is in-. LC = Deferred Cable dicated by a suitable : sign above or preced- , 23. NLT = Cable Night Letter ing the address. Ship Radiogram R. B. WHITE NEWCOMB CARLTON PRESIDENT CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD FIRST VICE-PRESIDENT The filing time as shown in the date line on full-rate telegrams and day letters, and the time of receipt at destination as shown on all messages, is STANDARD TIME, Received at ei os a fc Ey wii \ ee i+ a C4 ‘KAD 41 DPR PAID=OKLAHOMACITY OKLA 13 149P ‘DR + < ALLENS 4OO TICKETS BEING AIR MAILED SPECIAL DELIVERY TODAY . 200 ARE AT a CEN ITS 100 AT 3 210 AN ID 100 AT $ = ALSO | -RESERVIN G @ BLOC FOR KAI ISANS “HERES WILL You: UNSOLD TICKETS WITH YOU WHEN YOU COME pti HE YOU ARRIVEs WHO WILL OFFICIALS BEs ANY. SUGE i hK A — na z tT PR i ke ELIMINARY: AR -RANGEME NTS © PLEASE WERE JERSEY NUMBE RS YOUR PLAYERS» CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR WIN OVER OKLAHOM As. city] RED HOT FOR SATURDAY'S GAME WITH AGGIES “BUS HAMS ae hed ye} Z 400 200 hoe: 100 $1 16 100° $s 6 50 THE QUICKEST, SUREST AND SAFEST WAY TO SEND MONEY: IS BY TELEGRAPH OR CABLE | Mekets have been pape Land and . "put on sales, sari a Time geme will begin? & oO Officials ? Wire Henry Iba. WESTERN UNION Oklahoma City March 13, 1940. Dre Fe Co Allene Four hundred tickets being air mailed special delivery todayo Two hundred are at 75¢, one hundred at $1.10, and one hundred at $1065e Also reserving block for Kansans heree Will you please bring all wmsold tickets with you when you come down? | When will you arrive? Who wild officials be? Any suggestions for preliminary pedapencsent: Please wire jersey numbers your playerse Congratulations on your win over Oklahome Certainly red hot here for Saturday's game with Aggiese Bus Ham 2. RO : a7] 133 e35 ih tad 23% + HEP dy gab 508s : > s aH oh i i By He TEth best wishes, I en Memger’, Melosh Taciettall Tourmnente i i been conMzmed the Big Six; namely, that there officials will - selected by the MeCachele comiittese With best wishes, I am Manager, NCAA. Basketball Tournaments PCAsATI Creighton University Drake University Grinnell College Tulsa University Washburn College Washington University ATHLETIC DIRECTORS’ ASSOCIATION of the MISSOURI VALLEY CONFERENCE Cklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College St. Louis University Address Office of the Washington University EXECUTIVE SECRETARY Saint Louis, Missouri March 13, 1940 Mir, Reaves Peters 442 S. Chelsea Kansas City, Mo. / Mr. Forrest Allen VY Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Reaves: If you are makine the assignments for Kansas this coming week-end against the Oklahoma Aggies in Basketball at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Aggies’ choice is Carroll, Pendleton, O'Sullivan. Any two of these three would be egreable to the Aggies. I am sending a copy of this letter to Phog Allen in order to save time should they not call upon you to make the assignments. Why not wire me on receipt of this letter either way? Kind Personal Regards, nee A. BE. Eilers Executive Secretary Copy to Reaves Peters. WESTERN UNION Oklahoma City March 13, 1940.6 Dre Fe Co Allene Four humired tickets being air mailed special delivery todays Two hunired are at 1d, one hundred at $1.10, and ome hundred at $1.65, Also reserving block for Kensans heree wall you please bring 611 wmsold tickets with you when you come dow? While: MAY you aebavet. ius wilt enruaiada Sit doer enmeetions for prelimimary arrangements? Please wire jersey numbers your playerse Gongratuletionus on your win over Oklaham, Certainly | red hot here for Saturday's game with Aggies. Bus Ham