KANSAS STATE TEACHERS COLLEGE REES H. HUGHES, PRESIDENT PITTSBURG, KANSAS October 28, 1943. Dr, Farrest C, Alien, Coach of Basketball, University of Kan 1sas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear "Doc": We kave planned to make all of our trips by train but it may be that we can get some cars to make tke trip to Lawrence, We can no longer use our sdkhool bus as there is no Gas failable for it, v We will accept one kundred and twenty five dollars.for the game in Lawrence January 3rd and will pay you the same for a return game in Pittsburg if you are able to arrange to aphes us the return game. You may send contracts for this game if you think it necessary. It is not at all s a necessary as far as 1 am concernec, Trae seniors in our Na 2 Unit are being Skipped out this week. With t coes my basket ball team. Tkree of last yourts reculars and about all of the experienced players in school. We will have a young, small team but I hope to make it at least interesting for our opposition. Please suggest a date tkhat you can come to Pittsburg in the event you find that the game will be possible, Aartrretgy An i. 40 ne £, ; ee ee pas Es aks WNGiOn of sa sSKe all, eg JP is. aG