October 16, 1945. Lieut. Vincent J. Hogan, Physical Training Officer, arny Air Base, Herington, Kansas. Deer Lieutenant Hogan: We have but one day of vacation at Thénksgiving, which is November 25. We are playing a number of service teams and it will be difficult to get them all in unless we start early. —— ee eee Wednesday, December 17 I realize this is rather early uh we sh have the seme difficulty that you will have because our last game in football is with the Fort Riley Centaurs on Novenber 27. Many of our basketball boys are playing football, but we have got to start some time, so if you san some on Decenber first we can perhaps arrange e game. Doubtless we can make the same arrangements for a game at your place. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Rducation, PCA :AH Varsity Basketball Coach.