ADVISORY BOARD FRED_G. BUFFE hairman JOHN C. GROVER Vice-Chairman H. E. BONING, JR. Secretary BARNEY L. ALLIS HARRY M. GAMBREL R. CROSBY KEMPER FRED M. LEE DORMAN H. O’LEARY _ HARRY H. WELSH, JR. MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM RaAmoeAo GITY, MISSOURI LOLHS-G= LOWERS Direttor~ C. B. HOFF, Asst Director MAIN ARENA 12,000 seating capacity MUSIC HALL 9,572 seating capacity LITTLE THEATRE 600 seating capacity EXHIBITION HALL 120,000 square feet COMMITTEE ROOMS (93) seating capacities 25 to 500 December 1,19435, Dr.Forrest C.Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Deer Phog: I am pleased that you still intend to use the date of Februsry 5th,1944 for a game between your team and some- other tesm in the immediate territory. I am ato ee this date for you as well as the evenings t of December 28th, 2 h, and 30th,1945. I had no intention of hurrying you on this matter as I have had no one asking for these particular dates, so I will be glad to hold them until I hear from you again. CBH: EH Sincerely yours, Clerence B.Hoff, Director. ete Arent Dilattale Cevits