February 9, 1944. Captain Ronald I. Sieben, F. Ac, Chief, Special Service Branch, Fort Leavenworth, Kansas. — peu Captain Haherns : Just a note to tell you that we expect to be at the Leavenworth High School gymasiun o'clock on Tuesday, the 15th. We will be very happy to accept your kind invitation to dine with you after the game at your service club. It is very kind of you to ask us. = Our team is not doing exceptiona onally well, showing a Little improvement, but we are happy to know thet there is a. alight improvement. I am sending you the names and numbers of the players for your program. The first twelve or fourteen are the regulars. You doubtless can see by our line-up the men we generally play, but we are sending these names because it might be possible that they may come with the group. Nurber Nane : Barrington, Don furner, Bob Malott, Bob . MeSpadden, Harold Sherwood, Homer Corder, Dean Lindquist, Bill Goehring, Louis Dick, George Moffett, Charles Prank, ‘Willard Palmer, Lloyd Diehl, Don Stucker, Gordon Bock, Bob stendialaenas Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. ~