Decerber 3, 1943. Muntoipal Auditorium, Kensas City, Moe Dear "Bake": Harry Morrew, sports editor of the Lawrences Journal World, just called and would like four press tickets or passes to the game — for Saturday night. He is a very splendid gentleman and a fine friend of the University. He will report the game. If you want to give seats on the floor I am sure it would be perfectly satisfactory. You handle it the way you think best. Just mail them to Harry EB. Morrow, Sports Jditor, Lawrence Journal World, Lawreme, Kansas, so that he will get them before Saturday. I assure you I will appreciate the same. : I appreciate the fine work that you are doing and I am hoping that we will have a nice crowd. I will get in touch with gar) and we will fix things up in good shape. een Den't you think it is a a good idea to run another ad, even though it takes a little money out of our pocket? It brings a iattle Se re ee en on ere their angle. “@ will see you some time early Saturday afternoon. We are stopping at the Robert B. Lee and it will be very close to the hall so it will be convenient to say hello to you early Saturday afternoon. , With all geod wishes, I am Sinesrely yours, ‘ Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH ee Varsity Basketball Coach.