November 10, 1943. i will get in touch with you in regard to any publicity to use for our game in Kansas City on December 11. I am going ahead with the arrangements and have already had them order tickets, and just as soon as the Thanksgiving flare is over we will begin to use heavy pressure on publicity. I would appreciate it if you would get some of your best boys out and doll them up in your regular Rockhurst uniforms and have pictures taken so that you can run them early enough before the game. I am wondering what you think about Rockhurst High play- ing Ward High, or do you have a better suggestion? I think it would be well if we could get Ward from across the line to play some team in Kansas City. Thom do you think would draw the best crowd? We want to look at the gate angle. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bducation, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.