uarch 17, 1942 Mire Gwinn Henry Director of Athletics University of Kansae Ure Farl Klooz Bursar University of Kansas Dear Gwinn and Kari: i am sending you @ copy of a letter fron Fred Me Harris of the Chanute Tribune. You doubtless are acquainted with the fact that Fred Me Harris is the son of Mr. Fred Werris of the Board of legentse This letter from Fred Harris is identical with a great maaber of requests thet we have received from many alumni throughout the State inquiring for shots of some of our basketball gamase Fred Bllsworth has called repeatedly requesting that we send some sort of basketball film of our games te some of his insistent alummie Bach time we tell him that we do not have such films. Fred has also asked for the Indiana~-Kansas games and the Southern California and Rice games. I tell him that these are the property of the Ne Ce Ae Ae and since they paid for filming them we have no right te send them out under the University's neme.s i am spotking at the McPherson, Kansas Rebounders Club and they have requested that I bring some basketball films alongs I am also speaking at the Chase, Kansas High School, to the Metro Club Lunchenn in Kansas City, to the Holyrood, Kansas Athletic Banguet and to the Kansas City, Missouri Grain and Feed Club dimnere These are all athletio seteups with athletic boosters as the background, and they constantly ask for filnte “Ur. Fred Montgomery called me prior to the imiversity of Oklahona game here, stating that they bad shot all of the football ganes here for the past several years and he was wondering if a few hundred feet of the Oklahoma gane would not be a fine thing for the grapefruit league end lettuce league speeches that coaches are foreed to mike. He offered to shoot it at $6.00 a hundred fect. Thore are four hundred feet in each one of the film rolis and if you just took the highlights of the game it would cost $24.00 for one reel, but if you took the entire game it would be two reels and that would amount to $48.00. I lmow that it is rather difficult for us to comprehend that movies are made of basketball, although we do see them in our theaters right alonge _Nebraske has been shooting films of her basketball games for the last three years, as had Oklahoma and some of the other BigeSix schools. ‘Three years ago the lighting in all of our Big-Six schools was raised so that pare could be shot of all of our gamese