ROCKHURST COLLEGE ROCKHURST ROAD AND TROOST AVENUE KANSAS ChY, MISSOURI October 11, 1943 DEPARTMENT OF ATHLETICS Dr. F.C.Allen, Athletic Director Kansas University Lawerence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen; Mr. Clarence Hoff called me a short time ago and asked if we would be interested in playing Kansas University a game of basketball in the Municipal Auditorium, I told him we would be glad to play. Since then, I received your letter, suggesting two games, one in Kansas City and one in Lawerence, We will be glad to play these two games. Mr. Hoff mentioned that the game at the Auditorium would be some time in December. Would suggest that you set the dates both here and at Lawerence and I will wait until I hear from you before making any dates with other teams. You took care of the financial arrangements in Kansas City last year and the same type of arrangement will be very satisfactory with us this year. Regarding the game at K.U. whatever you do in a financial way with other teams, will be satisfactory with us, If there is anything we can do to be of service down here in making arrangements, we will be glad to do it. I would appreciate it if you could send me a date for the game in Lawerence as soon as possible, so that I can go ahead with my schedule, We are going to be very young, since we are not allowed to use our Army Cadets and a e@ older college boys are in the service, but hope we can put up a little competition. Very Sincerely yours, ee Lew Lane, Athletic Director