December 3, 1942. — B. Ge Schroeder, Direotor of Physical Education and Athletics, State University of Towa, | Iowa City, Iowa. Dear Mr. Schroeder: : I am acknowledging belatedly your commmication of the 19th ultimo in which you informed me that you found it ‘eicasinciey Se cine’, a wate tie Menbelant: gunk So be layed here on December 21. Of course that is entirely P within the province of the Director, but we are traveling to New York City and bask without using Pullman. i ! Mr. Eastman has never asked the athletic teams to cancel athletic trips. However, since the directors have taken the action that they did there is nothing else to do. The lack of finances is the sause of curtailment in foot- ball. Personally, I can see no good explanation founded upon logical reasoning for this action. Very sincerely yours, : Direotor of Fhysical Education, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach.