THE STATE UNIVERSITY OF IOWA IOWA CITY OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR DEPARTMENT OF ATHLETICS DIVISION OF PHYSICAL EDUCATION November 19, 1942 =<, * Dr. Forrest Cc. Allen Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doctor Allens We find that it is necessary to ask that you release us from our obligation of our contract for a basketbail game which was to be played at Lawrence, Kansas, the night of December 21. As you know, the Big Ten Athletic Directors went on record in a recent meeting as making it prohibitory to make any trips in the future where puliman travel was involved. This along with difficulties of transportation makes it next to impossible for us to fulfill our contract at this time. We ask, therefore, that you place this contract aside and we will fill it after the duration. We are sorry to cause you this inconvenience but it is absolutely necessary. Sincerely yours, E. G. Schroeder Director of physical Education and Athletics EGS: ks