THE CREIGHTON UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF ATHLETICS OMAHA, NEBRASKA REV. DAVID A. SHYNE, S. J. DIRECTOR OF ATHLETICS J uly 8 . 1942 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Varsity Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doc: I have your letter of June 40th. Undoubtedly Gibbs and Curtis are the best basketball officials in the middle west. I also believe that Van Reen is most capable. Oberhelman is satisfactory but lacks experience. Probably he should not be required to work unless he is assigned with one of the better officiels. I hesitate in attempting to choose the better officials because of the exvense involved for their travel. I would like to suggest using Oberhelman at Lawrence with either Gibbs or Curtis. At Omaha, if we can secure Gibbs, I would like to suggest Roper or Harrison to work with him. Thus, in both games the additional expense of the distant officials can be offset. Van Reen would be satisfactory at either place. We have used Quigley some in Omsha and I suggest Perke Carroll. I do not believe I would be satisfied with Oberhelman and Van Reen together. Let me have your reactions to these suggestions and as soon as we have agreed on the officials, we can have Filers and Peters make these assignments. With kindest personal regards, I am bi rely yours, ‘ E. S&S. Hickey ESH: CC Basketball Coach