May 26, 1942, Basketball Coach, Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska. Dear Eddies Deletes conto’ of yor tte ot 23rd instant, and am enclosing contract signed by lire Henrys a ee His e - Eddie, I would like to play you on 1éth, but frankly I would much rather play you on the 15th because four or five of our varsity basketball men will be on the football team and I want as many days as possible to get thea in shape. We could play Rockhurst on most any date, but when we play Creighton I want as many dans as possible to prepare. And too, we are playing Missouri on March 2, Creighton on the 4th, and Kansas State on the 6th. We of'ten play’ games at Lawrence on Saturday and Monday nights, so I Sack tak Gls Wil) eet Leeieieveitinee you, alMungh 1 de know that it is better from an attraction standpoint to have more than two days between contests. However, I trust that this is satisfactory under the conditions. were § I assure you I would accommodate you if you just another team, but remember - we are playing Creighton, and they are tough babies’ . With all good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bducation and Recreation, FCA: AE , Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach.