December 16, 1942. Mr. Bob Fisher, 16236 s Detroit, Michigan. Dear Bob: The more I think of it the more I feel that we are infringing upon the homes of many of the K. U. alumi in Detroit. If we . p : f f E g é g a gs al as For the 24th, I would much prefer that we go to one of the — hotels and stay there on the 24th; but on second thought, I believe it would be much better for us to ee ' to Buffale, arriving there on the 24th. : a action on that if you will write me at once. I certainly do not want to. break up plans that you have made, but at the sane anxious to keep these boys pretty close | § H Regarding hotel, we can double up a with three double beds, at $15.00. That is the price quoted by the De- troit Leland. Is that a good hotel? I do not want to pay too much, but at the same time we want nice places. If you will inquire if we can get that accommodation at the Detroit Leland and if it is a nice place, I suggest that you make tentative arrangements for us. / Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA: AH 3 Varsity Basketball Coach.