620 Good Hope Compliments of a Friend _ L&K Dresses Dorsa Dresses Minx Modes Frances Dexter Stvd Dresses SUEDEKUM & SONS HARDWARE CO. Herbert Mulkey—Center HECHT S Headquarters for CAMPUS CHIC ao gs PHONE 99 LET'S GO INDIANS! We're backing you. COLLEGE BARBER SHOP 909 BROADWAY (Ray Runnels) JOE L. MOSELEY INC., Jewelers and Optometrists 801 BROADWAY COFER’S Sprigg and Good Hope CLOTHES FOR Hirschmour Coats Van Raalte Gloves, Lingerie, Hosiery Genelle Coats aK Compliments of Tony Agosti—Forward Ross Young‘s JOHNSTON ~ CLEANERS SPECIAL SALE ON SUITS 24 N. MAIN KELSO OIL CO. FOR SNAPPY PERFORMANCE AT ZERO, FILL YOUR CAR WITH MOBILGAS and MOBILOIL