> BASKETBALL The University of Kansas vs. The Creighton University at the Creighton Gymnasium, Omaha, Nebraska, March 4, 1943. Gym Location Transportation Dressing Room Playing Court Ball Playing Suits Game Time Pre=game Ceremony Officials Twenty~fourth and Burt Streets. Best entrance from Twenty-fifth and California Street. Fifteen blocks from heart of business district, Street Railway Bus stops in front of Administration Building, Twenty-fifth and California. Board bus any place in downtown district on Fifteenth Street going north. Fare 10¢ per person and checks 3 for 25¢. Taxicabs; four persons to a cab; twenty-five to thirty cents per cab from business district to west entrance of gymnasium. Enter gym at west and take stairs to second floor. Private room available at east end of gymnasium on the ground floor. Entrance from playing court on second floor, (spiral stairway at east end of court). Showers adjoin dressing room. Trainer, Team Physi«# clan and assistant with water available on court during game. Regulation in size, 98 ft. x 50 ft. Medart Fan Shaped Backboards four feet from end line. Bound~ ary jines free from obstructions. All lines in black. Scorer's and Timer's table on north side opposite division line. Players located on each side of Scorer and Timer table. Electric clock controlled from Timer table. Scoreboards on each end of floor, Last Bilt Ball adopted by Conference and used in all home games, unless stitched type ball requested in advance, By Conference rule Creighton usually wears white at home (both pants and jersey). On request can wear full blue suits. 8:50 PM No preliminary. Introduction and presentation of visiting coach. Starting players introduced as they take the floor, Spot light used. Visitors introduced first. Pre= sentation of colors. ? Referee: Ronald Gibbs Umpire ; Max Roper .