PETS _ ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION (INCORPORATED) Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College STILLWATER, OKLAHOMA January 21, 1943 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education and Varsity Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doctor: I am sorry for the delay in answering your letter, but I have been busy since I returned home from the northern trip and also found my boy sick. | In regards to the ball game at your place last week, I am sorry for the way you say your crowd viewed the game. I can only go back over the thirteen games we have played and 1 am frank to admit they have been very good ball games and A. & M. and I have enjoyed the relations. As I told you after the ball game the other night, I was not pleased with the game and what went on in it anymore than you were. After looking back over the records I find that there has been very little difference between fouls called on either of our teams and the scores have been very close. I believe you will have to admit the games have been very interesting to the fans. I am sure that you cannot recall a time that you and I have not been frank and friendly with one another. You and I know from our experience in coaching that whatever happens on 4 basketball court is the reflection of the coaches. Naturally, I did not like the fouls called in the Lawrence ball game and I do not like to be put in a position publicly as I was after this particular ball game. This is the way I look at the ball game. In twelve games your ball clubs have never played A. & M. the type of offensive backboard play you used last week. We have never been shoved, body checked and grabbed as we were in that ball game and for some reason you only had three fouls called against you on the offensive backboard. I will admit that after you knocked us Dr. Allen, # 2. loose from the basketball and you regained possession of the ball, we did foul you while you were going for your shot. You have coached basketball much longer than I have, but you know that this ball game was not a bruising ball game as the newspapers were led to believe, It was merely pushing, checking and grabbing of wrists. As I recall, there was only one hard contact play in the entire game. This is one point I would like to raise. A. & M. drew six fouls, three on a freshman Tom Boyd and three on Frank Bogert. I think you will recall the plays. Both boys were covering your boy Schnellbacher., He was in the act of catching the ball. The A. & M. players came up from behind in an effort to slap down the ball as he received it. In so doing they made contact from the rear, which is a foul. Take the same boys that committed these fouls and put them on the defensive backboard and let your offensive player come in from behind and try to gain possession of the ball and contact was clearly made and there was not any fouls called. If in the minds of the officials we could not come from the rear out on the floor and make contact without committing a foul, certainly the same interpretation should be used on our defensive backboard. Another play that occurred time and time again in the game was, A. & M. would have possession of the ball under the Kansas basket and we repeatedly dropped the ball to the floor. Now Doctor, the Aggies are not a fumbling ball club on the defensive end of the floor and that is my criticism of the officiating of the ball game. In regards to finishing the ball game with four men, I felt that we had been treated very much out of the ordinary when we were penalized with seventeen violations and twenty-three fouls, something that has never happened to a ball club that I have handled in my time of coaching. That is all I have to say regarding the finish of the ball game. Doctor, I tried to be frank in what I have said in this letter and I hope that in the near future you and I can sit down and talk this over, as I think we would both feel better about it. AP Le BH, P, Tbe HPI:1 Athletic Director Bij. Se Rees a es Be SI ete at a oes January 14, 1945. lit shal: “ig ii ity ie ied ial 7 asi 4 oe padi faye il Wh a i tH Hea it : Ue ef Bf td i ii nail ha Hoe cine eH halt 3 ee 7 § i 8349 ti an ii 2 ui ines iy nly aie i] } | iivas; Ad Fe ape. cee een apa i My i Pun lant sa 3 itiLt«”6CClCU Very sinserely youre, 3 Director of ioal Bdueatt, renee | | Varelty . Conohe si g3k 2s Hl; ai rh : a, iu i i fo i 3 vie oii . tft iid : t a fi ee uw By hes te ! itll i i : | i i ae a 1 a ified fh ad ls a3 ere Ht i! ail | iii HH it “iit : ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION (INCORPORATED) Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College STILLWATER, OKLAHOMA May 21, 1942 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education and Recreation University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doc, I am sorry that we were unable to play our double-header in Kansas City with the service schools. I think that I am going to play one of the service bases on my way home from the east, but I certainly would have liked to have been in the double-header with you in Kansas City. Who do you think we should use as officials in our games at Lawrence and Stillwater next year? As I understand it, a good many of the officials in this section are moving out because of the service, and it is going to be a lot harder to find them. Artie Eilers gave me this information at st. Louis last weekend. I believe we should have two well- known men in our ball games, instead of working some young man into this particular series. I think you know about the group of men that I mean: Parke, Ted, Ab Curtis, These are the ones that come to my mind right now. Of course, Gibbs from Springfield is good, but the expense would be a great deal. I think he is as good an official as you can get. Should we agree on these officials, or turn our lists to Artie and Reeves? Wishing you a happy summer, I am Sincerely yours, A fe H. P. Iba, = : Director of Athletics HPT/e May 9, 1942 ° Tite Henry Pe Iba, Director of Athletics, Oklahoma Ae & UM. College, Stillwater, Oklehoma. Dear Henry: George Edwards and Tony Hinkle closed a game with Great lakes at Columbia, Missouri, for January 29. This broke up our plan which you and I tentatively had to play | Great Lakes ami Bernie Bierman's Naval Aviation Pre-Flight School. I received a letter from Bernie and he was for the plen, but the fact that Tony scheduled this game with George prohibits it. Therefore, we are playing Great Lakes on the 30th in a single game. I greatly regret that Oklahom: Aggies and Kansas could not have played this double header as plamned. I think _ 4% would have been a fine athletic entertainmont and a finane cial success. With kindest persnnal regards and sincere regrets that we camot play this game, I am e Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bducation and Recreation, PCA: AH Varsity Basketball end Baseball Coach. April 27, 1942. SS Henry Pe Iba, Athletic Director, Oklehoma A, & M. College, Stillwater, Oklahoma. Dear Hank: Confirming our telephone conversation of Saturday morning, I am asking that If. Barl Falkenstien make contracts for Jenuary 15 at Lawrence and February 17 at Stillwater for our two basketball games. Also, I will thank you if you will write Tony Hinkle, of the Breat Lakes Training Station, and Bernie Bierman, of the Marines at lowa City, regarding our two night double- headers for January 29 and 30 in Kansas City. I have asked | the Mumicipal julitorium people to reserve tentatively for us the dates of January 29 and 50. Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA:AH _ Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION (INCORPORATED) Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College STILLWATER, OKLAHOMA April 16, 1942 Dr. F. C. Allen Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr: I am sorry for the delay in answering your letter, but I have been about half way in the notion of joining the Navy program. I am enclosing a copy of our basketball schedule. After com- paring our schedules the two dates that seem desirable to me are January 30 at Stillwater and February 17 at Lawrence. I would be glad for you to suggest other dates after looking over our schedule. We would both be through with examinations by January 30. As to officials for our series, I would like to suggest Curtis, Carroll and Gibbs. Gibbs would be 0.K. with us, but would not like to have to bring him to Stillwater on account of expense. Will you please suggest officials if these are not satisfactory with youe I am sorry that you have decided not to make the trip East. I wrote to Ned Irish concerning your playing in the doubleheaders with us, but have not heard from him. We are definitely interested in playing in the doubleheaders with you against Service teams during the Christmas holidays. What would it be necessary for us to do to get the games set? Would you like for me to write Bernie Bierman and Tony Hinkle? With best personal regards, I am H, P. Iba HPI:1 Athletic Director Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Jane Jane Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. Mar. ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION (INCORPORATED) Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College STILLWATER, OKLAHOMA 1942-43 BASKETBALL SCHEDULE 9 Buffalo, N. Y. 12 New York City 15 Philadelphia, Fa. 17 Washington, D, C, (Tentative) 9 Washington at Aggies 15 Aggies at Drake 16 Aggies at Creighton 5 Creighton at Aggies 8 Aggies at Tulsa se pies os Weakaagsen | A) i: = A bi ur G 13 Aggies at St. Louis | _— . +f , 19 St. Louis at Aggies ee , 22 Tulsa at Aggies Cred Lalor — : 26 Drake at Aggies me ae 4 Aggies at O.U. 11 0.U. at Aggies Me. Henry Iba, Director of Athletics, Oklahoma A. & Ms College, Stillwater, Oklahom. Dear Hank: | What do you think of the possibility of our playing double-headers in Kansas City, about which I wrote you a few days ago? I am also wondering about the dates for our two games - one here and one at Stillwater. Way I have a line from you at an early date? Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education end Recreation, FCA :AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. Ur. Henry Iba, Director of Athletics, | Oklahoma As & Ms. College, Stillwater, Okishoma. Dear Henry: I on enclosing « copy of ny schedule, and am womiering what dates wuld suit you - Lawrence and at Stillwater. Director of Physical Educetion and Recreation, Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. Mr. Henry P. Iba, Director of Athletics, ~ Oklehom, A. & M. College, Stillwater, Oklahoma. Dear Henks I have a pretty good idea for a possible geme in the Municipal Auditorium some time during the hoitiday season = after Christmas and before school takes ee Oe ee ee ee ca & M and Kansas playing double~-headers with Grea ¢ lakes and Bernie Bierman's Marine outfit at Iowa City? We dould ~ Ps chs tn 1 es ee ia wk be= lieve that we would pack them in. Se written Ned Irish about the possibility of your team and mine traveling together and playing in the Bast the carly part of December. Will you write me at your early conven- ience and let m mow what you wrote Ned Irish? . With all good wishes, I an Director of Physical Education and Recreation, Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach. December 16, 1942. Mr. Joe Hasel, The Blue Network, | RCA Building, Radio City, New York City, N.Y. Dear Mr. Hasels I am enclesing some material that may help you in preparing something for our short broadcast . when we are in New York. Pick out anything you care ‘te use. It will be a pleasure to see you when we arrive in New York. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. November 17, 1942. Mr. Joe Hasel, Blue Network Sports RCA Building, : New York city, N.Y. Dear Mrs Hasel: Your letter addressed to the Athktic Director of the University of Kansas has been referred to me for replye I will be very happy to participate in your program, end will send you the questions a little later. My. subject. will bear on Kansas, the Cradle of Basketball. The reason for this is that Dr. Naismith, who originated the game in Springfield, Mass., in 1891, came here to the University of Kansas as Direstor of Physical Sducation in 1898 and was here until 1939. Thanking you for your invitation to appear on your progrem on December 28th, and assuring you of our willinge ness to cooperate, I em Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. — he Stace Network BLUE NETWORK COMPANY, INC: A RADIO CORPORATION OF AMERICA SERVICE RCA BUILDING - RADIO CITY - TELEPHONE CIRCLE 7-8300 NEW YORK, N.Y. Dear Sir: Your basketball teai will be in New York for a game on Dec. L7? ‘ I'd like very much to have your basketball coach and perhaps a player on my program which emanates from Blue Network Station WJZ, This same program is shortwaved all over tne world thru International Stations WRCA, WNBI and WBOS. The program would be of special interest to all basketball fans in particular and sports fans in general and would stimulate interest in your game, At the same time it would be of great interest to your alumni. The program is broadcast at 6;@5 p.m.EWT so thet your coach would have to be here at the latest 5;45 p.m. Will you let me know if your coach could make it. Tne day of the game or any dav prior to it, is,of course, good, and I'd also just as soon have you prevare a list of from 12 to 15 questions for se to ask nim. In this way I would bring out the things ne would most likely want To talk abdout. May 1 hear from youe With best wishes for a fine season. Very truly yours, Joe Hasel Blue Network Sports, December 24 December 25 December 26 December SO (7) January 1 Jenuaxy 2 lve Lawrence eae Senta Pe ITINERARY 20 MEW YORK AND RESTOR December 22 to Jamu 2 eg gem He tga pe SAO ie ae ee ibe paste kes : ee ORE ETE A Ar. Chicago 9:30 peme Hotel Morrison = : Lv. Chicago 9:25 a.m B.C. fre Detroit ‘S215 perme Bob Fisher _— other K.U. alvemi Praotice in down town Y.}M.C.A. ae ee 7 Detroit Leland Hotel ?? Are Buffalo 1:16 Pete Buffalo Athletic Club : (lee a Mere) WREN sports broadosst, 6:15-6:30 Jim Wells, sporte commentator BA Stedler, Sports Editer, Buffalo News KANSAS ve. ST. BONAVENTURE'S « Buffalo 9:54 ame Neel ~ New York City 5:40 pets = Belvedere, $19 W. 48th St. | (Geo. Fechtman, Mgr.) WJZ Broadcast, 6:05 p.m og Joe Hasel, sports comentater (Be at RCA building G280-6:45) KANSAS vs. FORDHAM UNIVERSITY Lv. New York « ycooy ig: ~ hile gmaeataaeal e about two hour rum to Phila. Av. Philadelphia - either Broad 5+, oe a ‘North Philadelphia Hotel Philedelphien (?) Chestuut at S9th Jt. KANSAS ve. ST. JOSEPH'S (Barle Baker, Mgr.) Liv. Phd ladelyhtn fen Bem. (30th St. Station) © Ave Patteburgh Lv. Pittsburgh 6:05 aie (Pullman) . St. Louie 840 a. I . here Ste Louis +40 a.m rman 25 “t KANSAS ve. ST. LOUIS UNIVERSITY lv. St. Louis 8:50 aeme (Mo. Pao.) Ay. Kansas City 1:55 peme . Ly. Kansas City 6:15 pem. (Santa Pe) Ar. Lawrence 5:56 pele Lv. St. Louis 11:59 poem. (Jan. 2) Ar. KeneasCity 7:00 aote iw. Kansas City 8:00 ame de. Lawrence 8:48 ame Wr. Chip Royal, Feature Sports iiriter, Associated Press, 4th Ploor Rockefeller Plaza, New York City. Dear Chip: I stopped by to see you but was sorry to learn of your illness. The boys stated that you were out for the day. That weather that we ran into was enough to slay both man and beast, but I trust that you have recovered from the bad cold and inclement weather. It was a pleasure to have met you and I trust that our paths will cross again. If there is anything at any tine that I ean do for you, please feel free to call upon lee With all good wishes, I am Sincerely yours, : Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. Mr. Bob Mellace, WEA Service, 461 8th Avee, New York City, N.Y. Dear. Bob: Thank you very much for the photographs which arrived yesterday. I saw your feature article showing the toilet kit set-up. I received a marked copy from the Chester Times, at Cheater, Pa., and alec gew it in the Topeka If there is anything that I oan do for you at any time please feel free to command me. If there is enything in the book that is not elear or that you desire to bring out, please feel free to write me. It was a pleasure for Bob and me to have a visit with you. With all good wishes, and thanking you again for the pictures, I am Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. ‘Dr. James Crowdle, Canisius College, Buffalo, New Yorke Dear Dr. Crowdie: May I express to you our appreciation of your hospitality in taking care of us while we were in ®uffalo. You were very kind and generous and we appreciated your careful attention to details. Wishing you continued success, I am Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. | dJenuary 7, 1945. Mr. Ned Irish, 9 Rockefeller Plaza, Dear Neds We returned home and I want to thank you for jour hospitality and generosity in taking care of us. I thought you did a swell Job, and our boys were all apprecietive of your very careful planning of details. May I congratulate you on being a master of details, which of course means outstanding success for any man who practices these virtues. Sincerely yours, : Directer of Physical Education, FCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach. NED IRISH =: NINE ROCKEFELLER PLAZA NEW YORK CITY December 21st, i 8 4 2 Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, Kansas U. e/o Dr. James Crowdle, Canisius College, Dear Doc: I was very’ sorry when I received your note telling me that ‘flu was laying your boys low again. The games in New York on Saturday make it impossible for me to be on hand in Buffalo to greet you, but I feel confident that Dr. Crowdle will more than take my place. I look forward to seeing you in New York, ard just wanted to remind you of the luncheon at Toots Shors, 51 W. Slst St. atl@:45 Pil (Morte If you arrive in New York on Sunday afternoon, I. will be in touch with you to see if the boys would like to take in the New York Rangers neeree game that ni ght ° Sincerely, | Mare Wine de Perguson, St. Joseph's College, 54th Street and City Lire, Philadelphia, Pac Dear Bill: We returned home and want you to know that we had a fine trip. We appreciated meeting your fine team who seemed to be slightly off of their play on the evening of December | Our boys will always remember the fine trip they had east during the war years. | Wishing you continued success, I an Sincerely yours, ‘Direotor of Physical fduoation, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coache Dr. Allen = This letter dated Dec. 16 just arrived today, Dece 24. publicity materi K. i, Davidson is sending the al today to Mr. Clair Hare. eS iz ST. JOSEPH’S COLLEGE 54TH STREET AND CITY LINE PHILADELPHIA, PA. * 4 OFFICE OF ATHLETICS sume 4 . December 16,1942. pr.Forrest C.Allen, Kansa University, Lawrence ,Kansas. Dear Dr.Allen: I am glad to know that you can bring ra splendid team to meet us in the Con- vention in Philadelphia on the evening of Dec- ember 30th. We agree to reimburse you to the extent of $500 for travel and hotel expenses;in addition you will receive 10% of the gate receipts, after deducting a total of $2500. The deduction is made up of your expenses,#500; the expenses of the University of Southern California who will meet Temple Univer- sity on the same bill,¢1000.; and the usual expen- ses involved in putting on our Basketball programs in the Convention Hall,¢1000. In the past this program with South- ern California and Colorado participating has given each School quite a sizeable amount. It will help us a great deal if you will have your Publicity Director send player data, pictures,and general publicity material to our Pub- licity man,Mr.Clair Hare,822 Land Title Building, Broad and Chestnut Streets,Philadelphia, Pa. I hope that this will mark the begin- ning of a long relationship between Kansas University and St.Joseph's College. I shall look forward to see- ing you on the 30th of the month. Sincerely, sdf.