May 9, 1942 ° Tite Henry Pe Iba, Director of Athletics, Oklahoma Ae & UM. College, Stillwater, Oklehoma. Dear Henry: George Edwards and Tony Hinkle closed a game with Great lakes at Columbia, Missouri, for January 29. This broke up our plan which you and I tentatively had to play | Great Lakes ami Bernie Bierman's Naval Aviation Pre-Flight School. I received a letter from Bernie and he was for the plen, but the fact that Tony scheduled this game with George prohibits it. Therefore, we are playing Great Lakes on the 30th in a single game. I greatly regret that Oklahom: Aggies and Kansas could not have played this double header as plamned. I think _ 4% would have been a fine athletic entertainmont and a finane cial success. With kindest persnnal regards and sincere regrets that we camot play this game, I am e Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bducation and Recreation, PCA: AH Varsity Basketball end Baseball Coach.