ARGENTINE HIGH SCHOOL 22ND AND RUBY AVENUE KANSAS CITY, KANSAS Jd. ©. SHANKLAND 7 nes a Deceinber Oy 1942 VICE PRINCIPAL Dr. Foprest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dre Allens Your letter received yesterday and also read the one you sent Mr. Ash. I suspected a "nigger in the woodpile"” last week when I called ilr., Lower and he was so free with his sarcasmh’@bout who was in charge of the affairs, in the role of Lt. Gardner. I am glad everything is straightened out and I une derstand that we are to have our majorettes at the halftime of the big game and that we will take care of the situation as your own band would for yOUe Oh yes, Lt. Hart, he pronounced it Hawt, called me from Olathe today and just didn't know whether he could use our band or not. He had the letter I had written Lt. Gardner last week when I was given to understand that he was in charge. I told him he was a couple days behind as everything was settled last Tuesday about our band and what we were to do. He turned out to be very nice after I put a little sarcasm in to match his. Our plans will coincide with what you wanted. I understand they are bring- ing their band, 25 negroes, but we will take over for you and at the half time. They will take care of the flag rasing program. £ appreciate what you have done for us and hope that: f can return the favor some time, Sincerely Instrumental VInstructor