Mey 18, 1940. Me Ton Stidhen, — Director of Athletics, Norma, Oidlahonte : ae | . i Dear Toms Z am sending you @ copy of a couple of letters that 1 have written Director Gwim Henrye This is not an official cocument, but a personal epistle to you endeavoring to express our opinion of the basketball situations — | | ‘Bach year basketball is becaning a more lucrative sport and it is our desire to rehem more money to the athletic assooe iation end not inerease the expenditure, wherever possible. It ' seems to us that where wo heave short trips, like Nebrasin to Henses State, or Kansas State to Lawrence, or in situations where @ bus could be taken cheaper then riding a train, or in situntions © where @ tean like Missouri or low. Stete playing a twoegame trip and an addition] mm is necessary on account of the game being 7 much more strenuous than it lms heretofore, that it might be vVitelly necessary to conserve the health of the boys by adding an additional player tp the rosters - I am sure that you as a footbell coach agres with the policy of not taking needless men om a trip when the coach does. not expect to play thers Se ye ees group end serves no good purpose, so I assure you that baskete ball conches are cognizant of this necessary fact. I will _ appreciate your careful emsiderntion of these involved itense ; _ ‘Regarding the possibility of permission to play twenty gemes instead of the eighteen-game limit, the idea was to play at least tuo of those twarty gomes during the Christems holidayss The Big Ten Conference has long permitted the playing of twenty g@mes without any restriction of e Christms schedules I am sure Anticipating the pleasure of seeing you in Lincoln, I en , Very sincerely yours, :