December 8, 1942. Mr, Howard Ae Renkin, USER Midshipmen's School, Room 639 John Jay Hall, New York, N.Y. Dear Howard: I am sorry that I have delayed answering your good letter of November 16th. Mrs. Hulteen wrote you regarding eur playing Fordham at the Garden on the 28th. She sent you a schedule, and I know that you have had ample time to make arrangements to see us play. Bobby is at the University of Pemsylvania studying medicine, and Eleanor is a senior there majoring in psychol- ogye They will both be in New York for the game and we are expecting quite a conclave of Kansas people. It will certainly be @ pleasure to see you and to hear you yell out that old "Rosk Chalk, Jayhawk, K.U.". Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA:AR tt Varsity Basketball Coach.