November 5, 1942. Pather Luebke, Rockhurst High School, Kansas City, Woe Dear Father Luebkes - | Titre Tom Yan Cleave has arranged with Argentine High Sehool to play Reckhurst High on December Sth, and Werd High Scheol to play Reckhurst High om December 11, as preliminaries to our games in the Municipal Auditorium. I have written to Vice Principal Shankland and Mr. Tom Dorney , to get their final confirmation. I have also written to Lou Lower, director of the Auditoriuna, ad es cee A ee ce : nk ace ce oe ee ae eee ee to high school students only, say for 257. hee gine thin tha schools half of that and we would cout the other half on gross sales for the auditorium. This would give the high . schocls an opportumity to make a little money, and still permit many of the Rockhurst followers to aee the gane ata nominal cost. fa sion 0 Lou write me I will inform you of any gear aarieeiec Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical enon, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.