May 25, 1942. Major B. W. Bierman, Director of Athletics, Naval Aviation Pre-Flight School, Towe. City, Towa. Dear Bernie: : The arrangement thet I spoke to you about for January 29 and 30 fell through because Great Lekes scheduled the University ‘ef Missouri at Columbia, Missouri, on the 29th of January. ‘We | are pleying Great Lakes the 30th in Municipal Auditorium in Kansas City. But this thought ocourred to me - that we could play your Pre-Plight School in Kensas City on January 29, and then we would play Great Lakes on the 350th. Our agreement with Great Lakes is + we | the game, or an option of 50% of the gross receipts after deducting the Auditorium rental (which is 20% he | ), and the officials’ fees and expenses, and — expense in connection with the game except team expenses. fee for the officials for said game end the expenses of seid — officials shell be paid by Kanses unless the option is exercised. In this way your outfit takes no chance on losing any money, and -gtands oe” creat opportunity of making a sizeable sum. Last year we - paid Great Lakes the sum of $1242 for their option. — , : : § i 5 q B88 4 i ¢ I em sure thet your team with the build up that is bound to come with beth your aggregation end Great Lakes following in_ succession will be a fine rallying point, and we will do well fin- — ancially. I am writing the Municipal Auditorium management asking that they hold thid date, the 29th, until we can hear from yous. , If Rollie Walliams is commissioned he will be a fino drawing card. We played him lest year at Iowa City and had a fine game. We also have Iowa booked here on December 21. Would Rollie coach | both your outfit end the University of Iowa outfit? If he did this would not detract one iota from your drawing power in Kansas City; rather, it would help because Rollie has e great athletic reputation and is a fine gentleman. : : With kindest regards, I em Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, PCA:Al Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach.