December 3, 1942. Mir. Ned Irish, 9 Rockefeller Plaza, New York City. Dear Ned: ica cork sels quella ton Ran Tort like Waldo Bownan who is editor of the Engineering Record of the HoGraw-Hill _ Publishing Company, and who played on my ever-victorious team of 19235; Dean George A. Esterl}y, of Nowark University, one of our alumi, alk out follower of athletios; and other key people in New York for whom I would like tickets for the game on the 28th. I will send you a list in a fow dayse ‘Things are shaping up nicely and we believe we will have a pretty good team, although we are slow in starting. Some of ow star performers - Evans, Schmelibacher, and others, have been on the football team, and have not had much prentiag ae: yst. Arrangomonts have bean mde fer us to stop at the Hotel Belvedere. — Yery sincerely yours, Director of Fhysioal Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach.