NED IRISH NINE ROCKEFELLER PLAZA NEW YORK CITY September lst, 1942. Dr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Phog:- I want to thank you very much for your prompt action on the matter of the contracts with St. Bonaventure and Fordham. Father Dunn, the Moderator of Athletics at St. Bonaventure, is now in the service and I imagine that he may have filed away the agreements prior to his departure. I will ask Mike Reilly to check on this matter and am sure that they will turn up. I also want to thank you a great deal for your suggestion concerning the Buffalo Germans and think it an excellent idea. We will make every effort to use this in Buffalo and hope that it works out as well as I think it should. Benoerehy yours, Wd of Basketball Madison Square Garden NI:FP