October 21, 1942. Mr. Gene Sulliven, Sports meer St. Joseph News-Press, | 8t. Joseph, Missouri. Dear Cenes ‘Thank you for your good letter of the 19th instant. If we can possibly find a time we would be more then happy to play the Fort Leavenworth Reception Center in St. Joseph. Our sched- ule is a long one and our dates are few, but if there is eny possible way to arrange it we certainly will be happy to do everything in our power to consunmmete the dates in St. Joseph. Doubtless Ted has told you that we are trying to play both the Reseption Center and Camp Crowder in Kansas City on © January 16. Kansas, of course, is to do the iron man stunt in playing both of these outfits the same night. I do not have the authority from the athletic board and — the administration as yet to do this thing, so therefore I would ask you not to publish it, as it must have board action and they might turn it down. : I sent Ted our schedule and if he can find a time when we can play over at St. Joe, and our board is willing to take the boys away from school for an additional length of time, we , will be happy to appear in Ste Joe. With all good wishes, I an Sincerely yours, _-Direstor of Physical Bducation, PCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach.