Maroh 13, 1942. Mre Paul De Hinkle, Athletic Department, Ue Se Naval Training Station, Great Lakes, Illinoige Dear Tony: *his will acknowledge receipt of your good letter of Wareh 12th. We will be happy to pley you, and I am sure arrangements can be mde. Suppose I take this up with the Auditorium officials and see what, in their opinion, would be the best time to _ playe 4s soon as I hear from Mr. Eugene Zactmen, the manager, I will write you. Qur Big Six basketbell schedule, wiich was mde in Deewember, will be subject to alterations, due to e shorten- ing of the academic terms next year, so we my have to re~ make the schedule. However, you will hear from me shortly suggesting a possible date. In the meantime, do you have any ideas as to when you would like to come this way? Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education and Recreation, POA :AR Varsity Basketbell and Baseball Coache