Jenuary 15, 1943. Mr. Jemes Nixon, ‘ Municipal Auditorium, Kenaas City, Mo. Dear Jimmy: Zsa smnlaring oopon of sy correepondenae vith 3. deo. Fe. Wollemoyer, offered the Band for Sat and _ Will you kindly have eight tickets reserved for Principal Wellemeyer and hold thea in his name at the box office? Also wide Ts Matly bag Sichete fey We feoulty meters of Hyuntotte i. Schlagle « « »« Mr. Starbuck « « « Mr. Varmer . « « « Mies French « co « Mr. Stevenson .sesas &@ Me. Hokie «cae tce nes & Mee Say nee eee 2 Mr. Thorp «<0 see ee 2 Mre Corporom ee scene 2 & eo @ ? @ Direotor of Physiea2 Bducation, FCA:AH | Varsity Coaches Ence