‘ST. JOSEPH NEWS-PRESS AFTERNOON AND SUNDAY St. Joseph Guzette MORNING C.M.PALMER, PRESIDENT HENRY D. BRADLEY, PuBtisHer ST. JOSEPH, MISSOURI EDITORIAL ROOMS ARTHUR V. BURROWES, EDITOR Dear Phog; How is your basketball yehoauie/ 46 there a spot or two on it for a service team that would giveg youg fair competition? The Rosecrans Field Flyers from the a.F.T.C. base here are looking for games and would like very much to book one or two with Kansas, they have a fair club composed principally of former college am univer- sity» players but like ren service clubs they @e handicapped in getting time for practice and in keeping the squad together inasmuch as the pilots are coming and going all the time, The Flyers would like a home and home series, with each team providing its own transportation «nd taking the home game rec@ipts er a single game at Lawrence for a moderate guarantee. ihey have a fine big court here but cannot charge admission hence they cannot give guarantees. Possibly the game might be arranged for the city Auditorium if a satisfactory date could be arranged, I doubt very muéh if they could beat your club but they would give you fair competition, Sincerely Arthur i#,Hughes Sports iditor The Gazette