Jenuary 6, 1945. Lieut. Paul D. Hinkle, Athletic Office, | Haval Training School, Great Lakes, Illinois. Dear Tonys i bine Sas wean. Yee tale elites Saks and am answering your communication that came while I was away o a Waite es Gey lacagae So: Soe ak see weed, Kansas will play the Navy "Clippers" ee ee night. That will leave you and the Missouri "figers" to play the second game. The first game starts at 8:15 and the second one some time after 9:50. On Saturday night at 8:15 Kensas will play alii hte Ae ct x oe Se ae oes ae on early train, and Missouri will pley the “Clippers” the second game. I do not believe it will make any difference with the crowd, and if we can accomodate you in any small way we will be happy. Sincerely yours, — : Director of Physical Education, FCA sAH Varsity Basketball Coach.