June 16, 1942. ideutenant feul Dp. Hinkle, USNR, Athletic office, : U. 5. Naval Training Station, — Great Lokes, Illinois. Dear “Tomy”: T have your fevor of the 12th instant. | : lest year when Lieut. Commndor Cook ani I started : nogotiations for his game at Lawrence, Tanses, ho agreed | te come for $200.00 guarantee with an option of 50° of the ‘yecoipts. I instigated end carried out tw arrangesars for. the game to be played in Kansas City, for which Great a a ee ae ee Tt has slays been my notion that the host team wes is yer haar, tye yg aay Por years I have } aging schedules and at no the a H game in Kaname City on Jeuary 30th. To will see to that if you care to play. Sincerely yours, FCAsAH Varsity 2 and Baseball Coach.