Hay 9, 1942. Lt. Paul D. Hinkle, U. & Naval Training Station, Great Lakes, Illinois. Dear “fony™: Gonfirming receipt of your letter of May 5th, and also of our phone conversation of last iedmesday, I beg to state that I have written the Auditorium people asking then to reserve January 30 for a date with Great Lakes and Kansas. The fact that you are playing at Columbia will not lessen the attraction one whit at Kansas City. I om sure that we will have another nice crowd as we had last year in Kansas City. We will pay all expenses and divide the net receipts fifty-fifty. ‘The management of the Auditorium gets 20% of the hhll receipts. Then wo allowed §200 to each team for expenses and divided the remainder equally. I believe the net receipts | of Great Lakes and Kensas were $1242 last year. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Bincation and Recreation, FPCA:AH Varsity Basketball and Baseball Coach.