April 2, 1942. Mr. Paul D. Hinkle, Athletic Department, U. 5. Naval Training Station, Great Lekes, Tllinoise Dear Tony: Could you play between Christmas and New Year's, while the students are home? I have been planning a trip to New York, but I am not sure thet it will work out. That would possibly be during the early part of December and we would be at home to play during the Christems vacation. I have talked to the Auditorium people in Kenseas City and they think thet is the best time to play. If this would suit you, it would-be all right with us. I don’t want to take Missouri's date, but our first semester examinations end on January 28, end that is just about the best time we would have - January 29 or SO. If we played during that time it would be at the end of our examination period. Let me know how these suggestions appeal to yous Ralph Miller at the present time is in the hospital with lobar pnewnonin. Tie was not feeling well when we pisyed our games in the Auditorium in Kensas City. In fact, I told him I was not going to start him in the gam with Rice because he wes feeling so bad, and just before the game he came to me and said, “I would like to start, at least, even if I can't finish, as it is my last game." The pain thet he compleined of was in his right side and I thought it was either liver or stomach. It had a tendency to appear in the abdominal region but reflected over the right side. It turned out to be intercostal neuralgia, a forerunner of lobar pneumonia. When he gets