January 28, 1945. . Mire James Nixon, Municipal Auditorium, Kansas city, Me Dear Jimny: Will you kind ly admit the University of Kansas cheerleaders, Misa Ruth Krehbiel and Mr. Charles Love, and their assistants to the arena floor for the games on Friday and Saturday nights? Thanking you for your courtesy, I om Sincerely yours, FCA All Varaity Basketball Coach. denuary 28, 1943. Ure Reaves Peters, 342 So. Chelsea Av@e, Kensas City, Mo. Dear Reaves: I think it would be fine if you would go ahead and ee ee ee ee ee and Saturday nights. However, I am afraid there might unfavorable criticism as we invited the high sch ao players. . Sincerely yours, eas Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. ee eee University of Kans ee Big : S$ 1x eas Lawrence eae Ci ollegiate Alert Cc onference KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI Pee aaa Manhattan Jan. 26 3 1943 Dr. F. CG. Allen Universtty of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doc: Just a thought about the games friday and saturday nichts. Is it possible that you would liketo have the Geawethall coaches of the interscholastic league here see the Bames. Then too, there will be lots of vacant seats behind the goais at the end of the Audit- orium where the high school: Bearers might see the games. Just a thought and if you happen not to like the idea just forget about it. Very sincerely yours, [lane R. E. Peters Kansas State College January 27, 1945. ; Direotor of Physical Education, PGA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. January 26, 1943. Mr. Jo F. wWellemeyer, Principal, Wyandotte High Sehool, Kensas City, Kansas. Dear lr. dellemeyer: In ow previous correspondence you had written stating that the Wyandotte band will be open for playing on the 29th and SOth. The Clippers will have tw bands and the Univ- ersity of Kensas cowboy band under the direction of Prof r Russell Wiley, will be there, but we will be glad to have the Wyandotte band either or both nights if they want to pley, and incidentally see the game. ra? ZI thought I had nention the fact that the Auditorium people are going %t be rather short on comp tickets, as they are cracking down on us pretty hard. However, we will be glad to take care of you end Superintendent Schlagie if you are planning on going. Won't you let me have a reply at your earliest convenience as to your desires and the disposition of the band? “With every good wish, I am Sincerely yours, | _ Director of Physical Education, _FOA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. January 11, 1943. Mr. J. FP. Wellemeyer, Principal, Wyandotte High School, 25th and Minnesota Avmue, Kansas City, Kansas. Dear Mr. Wellemeyer: I appreciate your letter of the 9th instant very much. We- always consider Wyandotte High School our first aid in athletics of all kinds, whether it be band or Ray Evans or 3ill Brill, or whom have you. it is nice indeed of you to offer your band to wing ee see genes. 2 Kee SR . We are playing a triple-header in Municipal Auditorium on Jenuary 16th, and would like very much to have the Wyandotte band play. Kansas will do the iron man stunt, playing a team from the without undue plysical strain on any of the boya. It is the unique- ness of the program that will attract a pretty sizeable crowd, I be- lieve. On January 29 and 30 we sare playing double headers with the Great Lakes team, the Olathe Clippers and Missouri. Mr. Wiley, director of the University Band, plans to take the Kansas band on those two nights, but we could still make room for the Wyandotte . band if they would like to play. It would be a great pleasure to - have them if they want to see the games. I will be happy to arrange tickets for yourself, Superintendent Sehlagle, and members of your faculty, if you will let me imow whom you recommend. There are some games in which I ean do this, and some I cannot. I think you understand that when we don't offer them it is because we have no authority over ticket disposition, but since we are managing both these games we can do so. This applies to the January 16th games, as well as those on January 29 and 30. I feel much more free to give tickets for the 16th, but on the 2th and 50th Missouri end Great Lakes share in the proceeds. So if you will send me your ae See Se eee OS ee eet Cee wey tert fer hee ee Auditorium ticket wiudow. Very sordially yours, ee Director of Physical Education, 2AH _ - Varsity Basketball Coach. g WYANDOTTE HIGH SCHOOL 25TH AND MINNESOTA AVE. KANSAS ClTY, KANSAS J. F.WELLEMEYER PRINCIPAL January 9, 1943 Dr. F. Ce. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allens I note that your team is to play in Kansas City, Missouri, on January 16 and January 50. Our school's schedule of events is free on those two evenings. That is, the team plays away from home. I am authorized by our band, including their director, Mr. Doll, to ask whether they could be of service to you on either of those even- ings. They're a crack organization and will lend color to your basketball exhibition. Naturally, the young people are anxious to see the game, in order to see your splen- did team in action. Very sincerely yours, Fl ay4— PRINCIPAL JFWivn WYANDOTTE HIGH SCHOOL 25TH AND MINNESOTA AVE. KANSAS CiTy, KANSAS J. F.WELLEMEYER PRINCIPAL January 14, 1943 Dr. Forrest C. Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allens We're all set to have a fine big band at the game on Saturday evening. Since you are playing three games, I presume the first one will get underway about 7:00. If the doorkeeper can be instructed where the band is to be placed, they will all be in uniform and the director, G. Lewis Doll, will be in charge. Our high school team is playing at Shaw- nee the same evening. We have tried to get the game post- poned but were not able to do so. Mr. Schlagle has accepted your invitation and will want two tickets. I wonder if it would not be best to leave six for me. Then I can provide for a few faculty men as I find them here. In addition, please leave two for Mr. Starbuck, two for Mr. Varner, two for Mr. French, two for Mr. Stevenson, two for Mr. Hukle and two for Mr. Roy. With the six that I have, I think we can take care of other calls. Thanks very much for your consideration of use I hope the band will do us all proud. We'll be there rooting for K. U., not only because of Ray Evans and Bill Brill, but just because we want to any- howe Very cordially yours, PRINCIPAL . 5 =. er , ag3 : :. : Hany, sl ii Pe 2 Tila ay i THLE ta "t Gaal 2 og 3 § iit re piste 8) eays : Bg . q bi fee 3 net i Poe Ta ek bits 3 gti & Hy udihd HHG Sy ya | fully ; He Ball H : as agi #3. gh de 2 ne A: an ii Mt a a Hil | fea ple ge Bee HW EuGh dad Doan; ; se 7: January 26, 1943. Mr. Virgil L. Spurling, Executive Seoretary, Intercollegiate Athletics, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri. Dear Virgil: Fearing that George Edwards had perhaps mislaid the Silas iat © Siew hike na af Gesaehee Sone giving full exe oe eee I am sending you @ copy of that letter. Ho have no contract other then a letter to funy Hinkle and to Jack Gardner, appraising them of the financial arrangement. Jack Gardner will get a guarantee of $150.00 a game and after all of the expenses of advertising, hall rental, officials’. fees, and so forth, all of which are paid by the suditorium, §naluding the guarantee to Gardner, then Missouri, Kensas and Great Lakes will share the profit three ways. ‘ We will send a copy of the financial statement of the Municipal Auditerium to the management of the three teams. Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education, FPCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach. COPY Becember 2, 1943. Mr. George Edwards, Basketball Coach, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri. Dear George: I acknowledge receipt of your two letters of November 29 and 30, and : I am making additional explanations. “2 Earlier in the year Jack Gardner told me that if Iowa Pre-Flight could | not play, his Air Base would come for expenses. When I met with him Monday in Kansar City I reminded him of that promize, but he countered by saying that that was early, and now since the Air Base has made Kansas City their home team headquarters he __ thought. they were entitled to a full cut. I rather disagreed with him and told him that the Great Lakes Team, Missouri and Kansas would share three ways after ex- penses were paid, but we would guarantee him $150.00 a game. When a team will have played as many games in the hall as Gardner's team has and when they are selling season tickets for all their games I do not believe that tyey will draw as muchas any service team coming in for the first time, especially with the build up that Bernie Bierman's football team would have given the Pre-Plight school. He agreed tc come, and it is all set. I am making this explanation so that you will know the amount of money available to the University of Missouri. I believe the reason Mr. Lower called you often was due to the fact that Lt. Gardner was rather anxious to close for that date. I am writing a note to Tony Hinkle and sencing him a carbon copy of the letter I have just written you so that fe will know our final arrangements. I will be happy to see you in Kansas City December 5th. We will stay at the Muehlebach Hotel. Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI COLUMBIA INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS January 21, 1943 Dr. F.C. Alien University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: ; In the absence of any contracts for the basket- ball games with Great Lakes and the Olathe Air Base in Kansas City I asked George Edwards if he had on file anything to pass on to me I could use for our auditors to verify the » arrangements. Apparents he had nothing, and I wonder if you will ask Earl Falkenstein to either send me a contract or a memorandum of the financial arrangements under which the games are to be played. Sincerely, oT Executive Secretary VLSpurling/md dummy Bl, Was. ey tal : | alls int | nae inh il a i cl ‘it i a ct 24 Minoerely youre, ——— Vera ty | | ‘t i sith; 2 i toad i i “hie rit if i! ti i i Ha | a ies a a a Hi i itil ii WW ii fi iH i: ; Mast Ia duty at any a 388 if Hy Hi ity Arist ye i sin Hil TEM co SN TNE MAIN ARENA 12,000 seating capacity MUSIC HALL 2,572 seating capacity LITTLE THEATRE 600 seating capacity EXHIBITION HALL 120,000 square feet COMMITTEE ROOMS (93) seating capacities 25 to 500 ADVISORY BOARD FRED G. BUFFE ~ hairman JOHN C.°GROVER Vice-Chairman H. E. BONING, JR. Secretary BARNEY L. ALLIS HARRY M. GAMBREL R. CROSBY KEMPER FRED M, LEE DORMAN H. O’LEARY HARRY H. WELSH, JR. MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM KANSAS CITY, MIssOuURr! LOUIS G. LOWER, Director C. B. HOFF, Ass’t Director January 20,1943. Dr.Forrest C.Allen University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear "Phog": Several weeks ago you advised me it would be necessary for K.U. to play the Great Lakes Basketball team as the first game on the night of January 30th in order to permit the Great Lakes team to catch a train by ll:p.m. for Chicago. I am quite sure that this arrangement would result in a considerable loss at the Box Office since this game will be the feature game that evening and our basketball fans are in the habit of os here to see about half of the first game and all of the last game. ince gas rationing many of our fans are still attend- ing the games, but they use a somewhat slower mode of transportation. I have called the Santa Fe office and have learned from them that the train that is scheduled to leave at ll:o.m. but has not left Kansas City during the past two weeks earlier than midnight and in some cases 1:A.M, Certainly, it is unlikely that railroad schedules will be improved; as a matter of fact, they are getting worse due to the increasing number of people that they are asked to handle and a volume of baggage. The second game of this double header can be finished by 10:45 at the latest ana if we have cebs ready to take the Great Lakes Team to the station they should be able to make it in plenty of time to catch their train, Would you feel like passing this information on to the Great Lakes coach with the suggestion that the games be reversed on the evening of January sOth, inéerely yours, Louis G, Lower, Director, LGL:EH January 20, 1943. ta. Lou Lower, tunicipeal Auditorium, Kansas City, Hoo Dear Lous Won't you write ma that letter so I gan write Tony Hinkle? Sincerely yours, Ae Director of Physical Education, — PCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Jenuery ll, 1945. Professor Russell L. Wiley, Direotor of the Band, University of Kansas. Dear Professor Wiley: Mr. J. F. Wellemeyer, principal of Wyandotte High School, has offered the Wyandotte band to play for our games in Kansas City on January 29 and 30. I have told him we will be happy to have the band, but of course anything they play will be under your direction. We are going to use them on Jenuary 16th when we play our triple-header. We are extend- this courtesy without checking with you first because like to cultivate this friendship that has been 80 respon- ive through the past year. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. DEPARTMENT OF BAND -THE UNIVERSITY OF KANSAS SCHOOL OF FINE ARTS LAWRENCE January 8, 1943 Dr. Forrest C, Allen Director of Physical Education Varsity Basketball Coach University of Kansas Campus My dear Dr, Allen: I have your communication of January 6 regarding the trip to Kansas City for the games January 292 and 30. None of us are quite sure just what we are going to have in the way of an organization next semester, but I am making definite plans for this trip and will talk with you a littke later regarding final arrangements, I agree with you that the Cowboy Band would be the more attractive of the two bands for this eudience. I shall take the matter up with some of the boys and talk more fully with you later: on. Again may I congratulate you on the fine showing of our team in the Missouri game, You have my best wishes for a victorious trip to Norman this week end, Russell L. Wiley bls : i # Hd it Wie Ha wl i re 3 - ‘ | ee ea 1 | b> 1 ig j fue | age 8 pod ida ye ; oS i i Ai vat i! i : i : ¥ ii i iit + } HY a Professor Russell L. Wiley, Director of the Band, University of Sansas. Dear Professor Wiley: I am enclosing copy of a letter I have written to Harry Welsh concerning the arrangements for our double header games in Kansas City Municipal Auditorium on January 29 and %. We are, of course, counting on your band, and I am wondering if you want to take the entire band or just the cowboy band. I feel that the sowboy band would be a big attrac- tion, with their bright costumes and snappy music. Cordially yours, | Direstor of Physical Education, _ POALAH Varsity Basketball coach. January 6, 1945. Mr. Harry Welsh, Member, Missouri Alumni Athletic Board, 922 Walnut Street, Kansas City, Missouri.s Dear Harry: I am writing to bring you up to date on our Kansas City basketball series between the University of Missouri, Great Lakes Naval Training Station, Olathe Clipper Flyers, and the Univ- ersity of Kansas, Lieut. Tony Hinkle has asked that due to a difficult traveling schedule his team be permitted to play the second game on the 29th of January and the first game on January 50th, Inasmuch as Missouri was ‘scheduled to meet Great Lakes in @olumbia on the 29th, Kansas will play the Clippers at 8:15 pem. Friday, with Missouri and Great Lakes meeting a t 9:45 or 9:50 peme On Saturday night Kansas will meet Great Lakes at 8:15 pem, and Missouri will meet the élippers at 9:50 pome Twenty minutes should elapse between the end of the first game and before the start of the second. I have tried to preserve all previous commitments and arrangements as well as former promises, so far as possible. Lieut. Theodore "Ted" O'Leary, of the Navy, will have charge of 211 between halves entertainment of both games. Reaves Peters, Athletic Commissioner of the Big Six, will assign officials. I will report his selections in the next few dayse I trust that this arrangement will meet with the approval of all parties concerned, Very cordially yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coaches January 6, 1943. — Yre George Bawards, Basketball Coach, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri. Dear Georges - J em enclosing a copy of a letter I have written to Harry Welsh concerning arrangements for our double headers in the Municipal Auditorium on January 29 and 50. I thought you would like to have this progress report, and I trust these arrange~ ments meet with your approvel. Very sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. anaes 6, 1945. Lieut. Henry ¢. Hart, Olathe Nevel Aviation Base, Olathe, Kensase Dear Lieutenant Harts : I em enclosing copy of a letter I have written Harry Yieleh concerning arrangements for our double header games in Kansee City Municipal Auditorium on January 29 and SO. I thought you would be interested in this progress report. Sincerely yours, | Direetor of Physical Bducation, PCAs All Varsity Basketball Coach. | ‘ January 6, 1943. Lieut. (jogs) Jack Gardner, Olathe Naval Aviation Base, Olathe, Kansas. Dear Jack: I em enclosing copy of a jetter I have written t Harry Welsh concerning arrangements for our double header — gemes in Municipal Auditorium in Kansas City on January 29th and 30th. I trust these arrangements meet with your approval. ‘Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA :AH Varaity Basketball Coach. January 6, 1943. Mr. James Nixon, Municipal Auditorium, Kansas City, Mo. Dear Jimny: | I em enclosing copy of a letter I have written Harry Welsh concerning arrangements for our double headers in the Auditorium on January 29 and 30. I trust these arrangements meet with your approval. Sincerely yours, i Direetor of Physical Education, — PCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach. January 6, 1943. arrangements meet with your approval. Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, PCA:AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Lieut. Theodore MN. O'Leary, Ue S. Naval Recruiting amon, Kensas City, Moo oo Teds + bn eseilinaties cea sae Adie in se tt to Harry Welsh conserning arrangements for our double header games in the Municipal Auditoriu: in Kansas City on Jamuary 29 and 30. I trust these arrangenents will meet with your approval. é Very sincerely yours, : Director of Physical Eduoatiin, . ‘, PCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach, ‘ Enc.