HEADQUARTERS ‘ CENTRAL SIGNAL Corps TRAINING CENTER RENEE TO CAMP CROWDER, MISSOURI February 5, 1943 WEK/ree. Dr. Forrest C, Allen Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Sorry to have to bother you at this time but it is necessary that we make a financial settlement for our basketball games of January 16, 1943 played in Kansas City and of January 23, 1943 here at Camp Crowder, Our accounts are inspected every month and we are facing the February inspection soon and thus the necessity for an immediate settlement. We would appreciate hearing from you concerning this matter by return mail. Sincerely yours, Ositain P Apcblam,, fe Wm, F,. Krickhan, Jr. ist Lt., Signal Corps Chief, Athletic Branch January 6, 1943. ist. Lieut. Wn. FP. Krickhan, dre, Chief, Athletic Beotion, Camp Crowler, Missouri. Dear Lieutenant Krickhans : We have arranged a game with the Rosecrans Pield Flyers from the A.F.T.C. base at St. Joseph, Missouri, to play aoa ee eee ium on January 16th. ee ee secomd game with Kensas? If it would please you we will ie chek 8 be your team last, if you desire, and the first game with the : We have the contract from the Auditorium ‘people and everything ie all set. I would appreciate it if you will send any publicity material to Mr. Janes a the publicity man at at tee Municipal Auditorium, and to Mr. ©. B. McBride, the sports editor of the Kansas City Star. Will you alse send publicity mterial to Mr. Chuck Elliott, our sports publicity man here at the University of Kensas? Sincerely yours, | | Direstor of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varaity Basketball Coach. January 20, 1945. Lieut. Bm. F. Krickhen, Jr., Chief, Athletic Branch, Camp Crowder, Missouri. Dear Lieutenant Sriektens Wo have not received the noney from the Yhmtotpal audi toriun as yet, but they stated they would pay the officials, deduct ‘the rental, and mail the three copies of the financial report to use We will give the Rosecrans Field ten per cent of the total take, and after the game expenses are deducted we will mail you your shares With all good wishes, I am Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FOAak ; Varsity Basketball Coach. HEADQUARTERS MIDWESTERN SIGNAL CORPS TRATNING CENTER SPECIAL SERVICE DIVISION ATHLETIC BRANCH WFK/ree, Camp Crowder, Missouri. January 8, 1943 Dr, Forrest C, Allen Varsity Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr, Allen: Received your letter of January 6th concerning the double header in Kansas City Municipal Auditorium January 16, 1943. I was happy to hear that arrangements have been made with Rosecrans as the other opponent for your Kansas Univezssity team and I'm sure it will make a very fine show and should be very interesting, As to the financial arrangements for this game. As you stated in your letter of October 17, 1942, each team is to pay their own expenses to Kansas City, the auditorium is to take twenty percent of the gross and the remainder to be spit three ways. In other words, e third goes to each of us after the auditorium takes twenty percent off the top. : Publicity on our team is on its way as sugsested by you. If there is any thing more I can do to help, please let me know, I am Sincerely yours, 7 Me is JR. lst i Signal Corps Chief, Athletic Branch P.S. It will be fine with us to play the second game. November 27, 1942. ist. Lt. William . Krickhan, Chief, Athletic Section, Camp Crowder, Missouri. Dear Lieutenant Krickhan: , I an sorry that I have not answered your letter of November 16th sooner. I have been out of town and since I have been back I have not been at my desk long enough to dictate. I am still a little worried about our January 16th game in Kansas City. The Auditerium people do not feel tha our gane with Cenp Crowder in Kansas City will justify them leasing the hall on a percentage basis unless we are able get another team as a drawing card on that night. 1 expect to go into Kansas City Monday end will , have a conference with the Auditorium people and will write you. This | frou keeping our date at Caup Crowder o° & You have been very generous regarding the offer and transport us from Joplin. ie certainly will take advantage of this and I assure you that we have no i eg in Fp dh Ra Dog ee | as seen as I more infermation fron Kensas Citys sicisas vie ‘ Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Educati. PCASAE Varsity Basketball Coaches — HEADQUARTERS MIDWESTERN SIGNAL CORPS TRAINING CENTER SPECIAL SERVICE DIVISION ATHLETIC BRANCH WFK/ree. Camp Crowder, Missouri. November 23, 1942 Dre Forrest C. Allen Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Received Mrs. Hulteen's letter of the 19th acknowledging my letter of the 16th concerning your expenses in bringing your basketball team to Camp Crowder. I realize keeping expenses at the lowest possible level is one of the greatest problems in athletics today. We can help you considerably by furnishing you and your party transportation to and from camp if you will notify us the time of your arrival. There is the possibility that we can furnish quarters and rations if necessary, that is, if you care to have your boys free to enjoy camp life for a short time. We can cover your expenses up to two hundred dollars ($200), anything else we can do to help cut expenses, please notify us and we will do our best to help. With best regards, I am Sincerely yours, Aan ¢ iphhons ft ete? 1 JX. er Lte, Signal Corps Chief, Athletic Branch HEADQUARTERS MIDWESTERN SIGNAL Corps TRAINING CENTER CAMP CROWDER, MiSSoURI IN REPLY REFER TO November 16, 1942 Mr. Forrest C. Allien, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Mr. Allen: I received your letter of November 12, and had previously learned that the Fort Leavenworth team had been dissolved as we received several members.of their team at Camp Crowder. In regard to the expense involved in your mak- ing the trip to Camp Crowder, our offer was based on the. rules of the various conferences in which we have scheduled games. Qut athletic department is run on the same principal as a collegiate athletic association, and we, too, are dependent upon our sports attractions for funds. I would sincerely appreciate it if you would let me know the amount of your expenses for the trip here. Sincerely yours, Aldteane 1 WM. F. KRICKHAN, JR., lst Lt., Signal Corps, Chief, Athletic Branch. Form 172 Standard ITINERARY OF YOUR TRIP Mr.__Dr_ FC Allen, From_Lawrence _._ To_G Crowder Mo & return. ROAD TIME DAY DATE iy Lawrence _|Santa Fe 6.30AM at Kansas City ve 7 »30AM4 tv Kansas City KCS 9.05AM4 ar Joplin Mo. oe 12.20Pi tv Joplin Mo. an 5 5 0AM4 Ar Kansas City si 9 50AMs vy Kansas City |Santa Fe 10.454 Ar Lawrence ne 11.35 AM4 Lv ArRound trip rail fare, withdut tax. |$7.70. ou The above time from current schedules, and subject to change without notice. Arrival. departure and connection of trains not guaranteed. November 19, 1942. ‘Ist. Lieut. Wm. F. Kriokhan, Jr., Chief, Athletic Branch, Camp Crowder, Missouri. Dear Lieutenent Krickhan: Dr. Allen has received your letter of the 16th, which I am acknowledging in his absence, He is at present at Lincoln, Nebraska, attending a Regional — Institute of Physical Fitness Programs, and will be back in the office Monday. We have secured from the railroad company an estimate of fare for the basketball team to Camp Crowder, which with the meals for the members of the party, would amount to nearly $150.00. In addition, there is always expense for taxi. And I have not in- cluded hotel expense in the above amount. Dr. Allen will write you next week, but I believe you can see that $125.00 would hardly cover the expenses of the team to Camp Crowder. The team would not be permitted to make the trip, of course, unless all expenses were paid. It was Dr. Allen's notion that the game in Kansas City on January 16th would net sufficient proceeds so that you would have no difficulty in taking care of the expenses of the game at Camp Crowder. I am sure you may expect to hear from Dr. Allen next week. Sincerely yours, Secretary, Department of Physical Education. October 17, 1942. Lt. Wa. FP. Krickhan, Jr., Chief, Athletic Section, Camp Crowder, Missouri. Dear Lieutenant Krickhan: As I promised you in my letter of October 14th, I went to see the Municipal Auditorium people to see what we sould do regarding the game in Kansas City. I saw Lou Lower yesterday afternoon and checked over the available open dates at the Auditorium. He has Satur- day night, Jenuary 16th, open. Lt. Ted J. O'Sullivan, of the Reception Center at Fort Leaven- worth, also desires a date with us. He is anxious that his outfit play in Kansas City and states that his team will inelude many former college players. Now, here is the deal that looks pretty good to me. We do not think we are supermen here at the University of Kansas, but in endeavor- ing to get an attractive program, one that will draw a crowd and create interest, I thought we might try this deal - that Kansas would play both Camp Crowder and the Reeeption Center teams, the same night, that of January 16. We would not play the first team against one and the second team against the other, but it will be the first team of Kansas that. will play both outfits. Whether you would rather play first or last will perhaps be decided by a draw and not determined until just before the game starts, or maybe the day before. This will lend interest to the attraction, and in addition we will have a double header with Arny teams. All the games before that have been played in Municipal Auditorium have been either Navy or Aviation teams. I believe that we could get quite a bit of interest in the game and play it up in such a way that we would draw a marly sizeable crowd. , ‘I would like to have ‘Ss anruet that both teams could substitute freely, the seme as in football, without counting times out. This would give me an opportunity to rest my men and put them back in either _ game when the opportunity afforded. We would use our stars in both games so that it could not be said that either team mt the first or second team from Kansas. z have procured the hall tentatively in our name, and if you are agreeable to this plan, you inform m at your earliest convenience and I will definitely close the date. I believe it will make some money for all of us. Each outfit would pay their own expenses to Kansas City, and we would divide the net equally three ways - one part to Direetor of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. Octeber 14, 1942. Lte Wm. F. Kriokhan, dre, Chief, Athletic Sestion, Camp Crowder, Missouri. Dear Lieutenant Krickhans, " Your letter ef Septenber 16th hes lain on my desk beeause I have not been able te give you a very satisfactory answer. Ted 0'- Sullivan ef the Reception Center at Fort Leavermorth also desires te play us and they are only twenty odd miles from Lawrence. They alse want to play in Kansas City. You renember I sent you @ | sohedule which shows us playing the Gardner, Kansas, Naval Aviation school in the Auditorium in Kenses City on Decenber 5th. We are alse playing Rockhurst Cellege en the llth. In beth of these contests they are endeavoring to arrange double headers between ether cellege teams te go aleng with our attraction. : 4nd then en the 29th and S0th ef January we are playing the . tewa City Naval Seahawks, and on the SOth we play the Great Lakes team. So unless ‘we could get a pretty geod attraction and a faver- able date I am net sure that we would draw sufficiently well te pay Sete . : Ree cs se ne ps sl: Hews eee ee wo additional dates with our already heavy schedule. Only last week the ‘University stepped up their war schedule and abolished Christmas vacation. This will threw our examination dates on January 12 - 15, instead of January 25 - 28. =—— oo ee ee ee ee a ee eee semoster. | We new have an interim from January 20 - 29 where we might get in a game, Ye might play on Jemary 22 er 23 if that date is not taken. i em going te Kensas City Friday and will see what dates they — oe Very sincerely yours, ee Direoter of Physioal Education, : FCAAH . : Varsity Basketball Coach. i i ATHLETIC SECTION HEADQUARTERS SCRTC CAMP CROWDER, MISSOURI September 16, 1942 Mr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Mr. Allen: I received your very nice letter, and really appre- ciate your honesty and spirit of cooperation. It really seems that at every turn something occurs to sabotage our athletic program, but in these trying times we must make the best of a bad situation. I have thought a great deal about your problem, and possibly have a solution. If we could play your team in Kansas City, we could draw a crowd sufficiently large to defray your transportation expenses here. As long as you are at the Post we can provide food and quarters for your boys; also, we could guar- antee your expenses of transportation and otherwise if they do not amount to more than $150.00. We will have a good team, and one which I am sure will give your boys a great deal of trouble. TI understand Kansas City is a very good basketball town, and I believe that they would like to see you play ah Army team there. As far as we are con- cerned, our expenses would be all that is necessary, and I don't think that would be a very big item. If you think that we could arrange 4 game to be . played in Kansas City, preferably on a Saturday night, please let me know. We really would like to play your team and will try everything we know to get this opportunity. If you can think of any solution other than that I have mentioned, please let me know and also just what you estimate the cost of your trip to Camp Crowder would be. Sincerely yours, Ciba Wvekhar, WM. F. KRICKHAN, JR., lst Lt., Signal Corps, Chief, Athletic Section. October 5, 1942. a Lieut. Wime ¥. Kriekhen, Jr., Chief, Athletic Section, Camp Crowder, Missouri. With the opening of our conditioning — progrem here at the University I have been with details, but within the next week or so I will try to reply to your letter of the 16th ultine re- garding a pessible basketball date. Very sincerely yours, gsi Direeter ef Physical Education, PCA: H Varsity Basketball Coach. i4, 1942. i ag! ilsstetas Qs . ey iil a. | <7. coke TEE i = ia ipl tk | A i op eH Hg | oy {ap eintilid iio i Ly pis it itt vet oh ay | ni £3) i are hgh nig Wigkal ig 3 OFFICE OF THE ATHLETIC OFFICER HEADQUARTERS 3.C.R.T.C. CAMP CROWDER MISSOURI September 7, 1942 Mr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Mr. Allen: After looking over your schedule for bas- ketball, I am suggesting the following possibilities for games. The following dates are those upon which you could play here: January 11, 16 and 23rd. We could play in Kansas on February 20th. Any date that your team could appear here other than those I have mentioned will be left to your option. Hoping to hear from you in the very near future as to the date you would like to play and the financial arrangements necessary, Sincerely yours, WM. F. KRICKHAN, JR., lst Lt., Signal Corps, Chief, Athletic Section. August 27, 1942. Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH . Varsity Basketball Coach. OFFICE OF THE ATHLETIC OFFICER HEADQUARTERS, S.C.R.T.C. CAMP CROWDER, MISSOURI August 19, 1942 Dr. F. C. Allen, Athletic Director, Kansas University, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Dr. Allen: In planning the athletic program for the Fall and Winter, we are trying to schedule outstanding basket- ball teams in the vicinity of Camp Crowder for games. Last spring we sponsored a tournament in which many exceptionally fine basketball players partici- pated, We are very anxious to have our teams compete with the leading teams of the Middlewest, and I feel sure that you, also, would be interested in having several ser- vice games on your schedule. The War Department realizes that the quickest way to condition men in the Service is active participation in sports. I feel sure that we can count on your co- operation in helping us with our tremendous athletic pro- gram. Sincerely yours, WM. F. KRICKHAN, JR. oat Liait., S. C., Athletic Officer. ATHLETIC SECTION MIDWESTERN SIGNAL CORPS REPLACEMENT TRAINING CENTER CAMP CROWDER, MISSOURI October 19, 1942 Mr. Forrest C. Allen, Varsity Basketball Coach, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Mr. Allen: I received your letter this morning, and may truthfully state that it was a most pleasant surprise. We can now see that the faith put in the universities and colleges of our nation by the War Department was well placed. Your idea to play both Fort Leavenworth and our team on the same night, although it will be extremely tough for your boys, is a splendid one, and I am sure that both of the Army teams will prove worthy opponents. — accept your offer with great pleasure because we really want to play your team, and I believe that your proposal to play both teams would be an outstanding attraction. If you can name a date upon which you could play at Camp Crowder, we would greatly appreciate it. Thanking you again for your cooperation and consideration, Sincerely yours, WM. F. KRICKHAN, JR., lst Lieut., Signal Corps, Chief, Athletic Section. WFK:djs P.S. We will send all available information and mats in time for your publicity. - | | | October 24, 1942. Dear Lieutenant Krickhan: Thank you for your kind letter of the 19th instant. We have heard from the Port Leavenworth Reseption Center, and while Lieutenant O'Sullivan suggested that we try to arrange for a fourth team, I believe the the uniqueness of Kansas play- ead othe sttration Very sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, Varsity Basketball Coach. : Be SPECIAL SERVICES DIVISION Athletic Branch MIDWESTERN SIGNAL CORPS TRAINING CENTER Camp Crowder, Missouri November 3, 1942 Mr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Mr. Allen: I am sorry that I have not had time to answer your letter of October 24th, but we really appreciate your offer to play here January 23, 1943, and assure you that this date shall remain open until you de- finitely complete your arrangements. I sincerely hope that your Athletic Board will see fit to allow you to make the trip to Camp Crowder. Fort Leavenworth should be glad to have the opportunity to play in such an arrangement because I am sure that if his troubles are any- thing like mine we will not have the full utilization of available man power. Thanking you again for your kindness and consideration, Sincerely yours, WILLIAM F. KRICKHA aes as Tatiana kaa et ng $7 lst Lieut., Signal Corps, Chief, Athletic Branch. Hovenber 5, 1942. Lieut. Wm. F. Krickhan, IPos Chief, Athletic Branch, Camp Crowder, Missouri. Dear Lieutenant Krickhan: The Athletic Bosrd has given apprevel for our games with Cemp Crowder and Fort Leavenworth in Kensas City on the night of January 16th. We also have permission te play you et Camp Crowder on January 23 if you will be able to pay our expenses. I think we will make enough. money at our game in Kansas City to take care of that, but the financial situation of our Athletic Association is such that we gould net make the trip at eur ewn expense. If this is agreeable with you, we will definitely count en playing at Camp Crewder on January 25. : : Sincerely yours, : Director of Physical Education, POA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach. Nevember 12, 1942. Lieut. “Yilliem F. Kriokham, Jr., Chief, Athletic Branch, Camp Crowder, Missouri. Pear Lieutenant Krickhan: I have received word fron Captain Ted 0*Sulligan, of the Fort Leavemworth Reception Center, that they have been ordered to cancel their basketball games. This leaves us with only your team to play in Ifmicipal Auditorium on Jmuary 16. I will try to arrange with some one else to play a double header because I believe it will take a double header to draw the crowd. Regarding our game at Camp Crowder, I am very sure that we can't begin to make the trip for $125.00. The point that I was making was that you would probably make enough off the Kansas City game to take care of our expenses to Camp Crowder, but we could not even attempt the trip for $125.00. We, of course, have to pay full fare on the railroad, while the soldiers travel on lesser fare. oe I shall be happy to hear from you again. Very sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Education, FCA :AH Varsity Basketball Coach. SPECIAL SERVICES DIVISION ATHLETIC BRANCH MIDWESTERN SIGNAL CORPS TRAINING CENTER Camp Crowder, Missouri November 9, 1942 Mr. Forrest C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. Dear Mr. Allen: = I received your letter and was very pleased to learn that the Athletic Board had given you permission to play us in Kansas Gity and also at Camp Crowder. We are looking forward to meeting you both at Kansas City and Camp Crowder, and we will be able to take care of your ex- penses up to $125.00 if this arrangement is satisfactory with you. Please let me know as early as possible. Sincerely yours, WILLIAM F. KRICKHAN, JR., lst Lieut., Signal Corps, Chief, Athletic Branch. January 25, 1943. Mr. James Nixon, Municipal Auditoriun, Kansas City, Moe Dear Jimny: Will you kindly reserve four tickets for Lieut. Theodore M. O*Leary for both Friday night and Saturday night? He will call for them at the ticket window, and if he desires any more I trust you will fix him up. He is in charge of all arrangements for entertainment at the games these two nights. : Sincerely yours, Direotor of Physical Education, PCAsAH Varsity Basketball Coach. Jenuary 22, 1945.. I am sending you a carbon copy of the letter that I have written Tony Hinkle. You can count on our playing By the wy, you people prenieed to send we the financial report of our Kansas triple-header so that we could send one to each of the service teams with our remittance. Baker saht but one copy to Earl Palkenstien, and we want two more. two more sheets to me here so that I can explained in Kansas City? Sincerely yours, Director of Physical Education, FCA:AH Versity Basketball Coach.