January 6, 1943. ist. Lieut. Wn. FP. Krickhan, dre, Chief, Athletic Beotion, Camp Crowler, Missouri. Dear Lieutenant Krickhans : We have arranged a game with the Rosecrans Pield Flyers from the A.F.T.C. base at St. Joseph, Missouri, to play aoa ee eee ium on January 16th. ee ee secomd game with Kensas? If it would please you we will ie chek 8 be your team last, if you desire, and the first game with the : We have the contract from the Auditorium ‘people and everything ie all set. I would appreciate it if you will send any publicity material to Mr. Janes a the publicity man at at tee Municipal Auditorium, and to Mr. ©. B. McBride, the sports editor of the Kansas City Star. Will you alse send publicity mterial to Mr. Chuck Elliott, our sports publicity man here at the University of Kensas? Sincerely yours, | | Direstor of Physical Education, FCA:AH Varaity Basketball Coach.