Hovenber 5, 1942. Lieut. Wm. F. Krickhan, IPos Chief, Athletic Branch, Camp Crowder, Missouri. Dear Lieutenant Krickhan: The Athletic Bosrd has given apprevel for our games with Cemp Crowder and Fort Leavenworth in Kensas City on the night of January 16th. We also have permission te play you et Camp Crowder on January 23 if you will be able to pay our expenses. I think we will make enough. money at our game in Kansas City to take care of that, but the financial situation of our Athletic Association is such that we gould net make the trip at eur ewn expense. If this is agreeable with you, we will definitely count en playing at Camp Crewder on January 25. : : Sincerely yours, : Director of Physical Education, POA: AH Varsity Basketball Coach.