Nevember 12, 1942. Lieut. “Yilliem F. Kriokham, Jr., Chief, Athletic Branch, Camp Crowder, Missouri. Pear Lieutenant Krickhan: I have received word fron Captain Ted 0*Sulligan, of the Fort Leavemworth Reception Center, that they have been ordered to cancel their basketball games. This leaves us with only your team to play in Ifmicipal Auditorium on Jmuary 16. I will try to arrange with some one else to play a double header because I believe it will take a double header to draw the crowd. Regarding our game at Camp Crowder, I am very sure that we can't begin to make the trip for $125.00. The point that I was making was that you would probably make enough off the Kansas City game to take care of our expenses to Camp Crowder, but we could not even attempt the trip for $125.00. We, of course, have to pay full fare on the railroad, while the soldiers travel on lesser fare. oe I shall be happy to hear from you again. Very sincerely yours, | Director of Physical Education, FCA :AH Varsity Basketball Coach.