UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI! C10 LU MB IA February 6, 1943. INTERCOLLEGIATE ATHLETICS Dr. F. C. Allen, Director of Physical Education, University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kan. Dear Dr. Allen: The check and financial reports for the recent games in Kansas City have been received. Your report is very clear to me and, I hope, will meet the requirements of the auditor. I see no reason why it shouldn't. it is needless for me to say that I am pleasantly surprised at the size of our share. After our dismal showing on the first night my personal reactions were that we should have been charged admissions for our players. However, the 62% scoring accuracy displayed by Great Lakes may have paved the way for a bigger crowd on the last night, and our come-back, I think, aided in making Saturday's show a pretty good one. Please accept my sincere congratulations for the fine play of your boys on both nights. They certainly did credit to both you and themselves in the Creat Lakes game, Sorry to read of Black's illness. Please extend to him my sympathy and wishes for a speedy recovery. Yours truly, SM CEotunrht. George R. Edwards.