ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION (INCORPORATED) Oklahoma Agricultural and Mechanical College STILLWATER, OKLAHOMA May 20, 1940 Dr. Forrest C. Allen Basketball Coach University of Kansas Lawrence, Kansas Dear Doe: We will send financial statement and check for your percentage of basketbell game here in Stillwater within the next ten days. In regard to our games next year, we can play you here in Still- water on December 10. It will be impossible for us to play before the 10th. We could return the game sometime in February if you | , ; | will tell me the open dates you have in that month. From the Etim bow ; looks of our schedule, it would be impossible for us to play in January. ? I think it was a very fine gesture on your part to ask the NCAA to refund the 20% take in Oklahoma City. There was enough money made in Kansas City to assure the success of the tournament. I haven't had a chance to see you since the game in Kansas City, but I think Indiana was certainly hot and played away over their head. I would hate to meet a ball club every week that could hit like they did. I don't believe your boys hit as well as they did in the regular season. I think you are to be congratulated on the finish your team made. It was certainly fine to have someone from this section of the country in the finals. The kick I got out of ae the tournament was when you defeated Southern California. ae Looking forward to hearing from you in regard to the dates, I am, 3 Sincerely, yours, Wb bbe Hy B. Iba Director of Athletics. HPI:RS