— TED O’SULLIVAN INSURANCE 916 WALNUT STREET BUILDING KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI PHONE HARRISON 0102 December 2, 1940 DP. ee Ce Ren Director of Physical Education University of Kansas Lawrence Kansas Dear Dr. Allen: Thank you for your letter of November 30. The K. C,. A. C. Gymnasium will be available all of Sunday morning and in the afternoon until 2:00 P. M. T. called Parke Garrol] and told. him of your plans for the meeting and he will be very glad to assist in any way and it will not be necessary for you to inform him by letter. If you would like to have two of the Naismith League Teams at the gymnasium Sunday for demonstration purposes, I am sure they would be very glad to be present. Please inform me if you would like to have these boys and I will make arrangements. TE will be unable to accept your game with Oklahoma A. & M. on February 17 at Stillwater as I 5 already accepted the Towa State-Oklahoma game at Ames on this date. Parke Carroll and myself will be very glad to assist you nee in every way possible for a successful interpertation meeting. With kindest personal regards and best wishes, I am sincerely yours, | |HOME OFFICE) | | SAN FRANCISCO! | || CALIFORNIA | ERN DEPARTI CHICAGO